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OFFF Festival, a window to digital art

OFFF Festival, a window to digital art

Last weekend, Barcelona hosted, once again, Festival OFFFturning Barcelona into the epicenter of culture and digital creativity. With more than 70 speakers, the festival has closed its 22nd edition with 4,500 daily visitors, reaffirming itself as a world-class event and a way of understanding visual creativity.

The OFFF Festival, which is held annually in Barcelona, is one of the main cultural events in the city and one of the most important digital art events in the world. The next edition of the festival will be held on Disseny Hub Barcelona.

Festival background

Created in the year 2000 by the graphic designer and audiovisual designer Fernando Gutiérrez, with the aim of offering a platform for digital artists to share, learn and explore knowledge and skills.

The projects presented at OFFF are unique and revolutionary, and mark a before and after in the world of digital art. In fact, the festival has become a reference for artists from all over, and a meeting point for lovers of digital art.

Over the last 20 years, the festival has grown and established itself as an essential event for lovers of digital art, and as an important platform for emerging and renowned artists. Since its creation, the festival has greatly contributed to the revitalization of digital art in Barcelona.

Each year the festival attracts more than 5,000 attendees from all over the world and has become one of Europe's leading digital art events.The festival program is made up of a wide variety of activities, such as conferences, workshops, exhibitions, projections and performances.

Speakers include artists internationally recognized artists, such as graphic designer and filmmaker Chris Cunningham, fashion designer Hussein Chalayan, digital artist Refik Anadol, and video game designer Tetsuya Mizuguchi. The OFFF Barcelona 2022 poster includes David Carson, DixonBaxi, Musketon, Paula Scher, Porto Rocha, Stuart Landfield and Timothy Goodman among its most outstanding artists.

The festival is an excellent opportunity for digital artists to share their work, exchange ideas and inspire each other. It is, without a doubt, an invaluable platform for the development of the digital art scene in Barcelona and in the world.

The new era of digital creativity

Changes in digital technology have created a new era of creativity. Digital creativity is being used to transform the way we communicate, work and play. This new era of creativity opening new doors for digital artists, making it easier than ever to create and share incredible works of art. que nunca.

Barcelona is experiencing a significant increase interest for digital art. Artists are using this new art form to express their ideas in unique and creative ways. We are seeing a great variety of innovative works of digital art and the key players in the sector are betting more and more on this new form of art.

In fact, audiovisual creation studios in Barcelona are at their best now that virtual reality, immersive installations and digital animation are arousing more and more interest. Mostly concentrated in the 22@ district, these creators exploit the full potential of the most innovative technologies and make real what only a few years ago seemed like science fiction.

In addition to the OFFF Festival, the city offers a series of timeless exhibitions where we can get to know this new form of art much more in deep:

  • Museo Nacional d’Art de Catalunya: The museum houses a permanent digital art collection, as well as numerous temporary exhibitions by established and emerging artists.
  • Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona: CCCB offers a variety of digital art exhibitions and multimedia installations, as well as a selection of interactive events and workshops.
  • IDEAL Barcelona: The digital culture center has a unique technological team in Europe, which experiences the immersion of audiovisual projections, augmented reality, virtual reality and holography to create a new relationship between art and society.

In recent years, digital art in Barcelona has become increasingly innovative and has become an integral part of the local culture. Also, digital art is not limited to the screen. We are seeing more and more artists using technology to create works of art in real life. This includes interactive installations, projections in the public space and much more.

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