"Barcelona blends tradition and modernity in a unique way" by Andrea Ochoa

Andrea Ochoa Reyes, 36 years old. Born in Caracas, Venezuela, she has been living in Barcelona for two years. A lawyer with more than ten years of professional experience, she currently leads the Corporate Migration unit at Orience International, a company specializing in migration and relocation processes. Andrea focuses on developing innovative strategies to attract and manage global talent, contributing to Barcelona's business dynamism.
Why did you choose Barcelona?
I still don’t know if I chose Barcelona or if Barcelona chose me. The city offered me the perfect balance between professional growth and quality of life. From day one, I was captivated by its energy, its multiculturalism, and the opportunities it offers to those with a global vision. I arrived with the goal of building something new, and the city has driven me to overcome every challenge with constant inspiration.
What are the city’s strengths?
Barcelona blends tradition and modernity in a unique way. Every day, you can find events and activities that highlight the city’s culture and traditions, which I find fascinating. Moreover, its commitment to innovation and its vibrant international community make it an ideal place to build both a career and a home.
Which aspects of the city need to be improved? How?
I believe there is room to improve and simplify administrative processes and to promote policies that retain international talent. Barcelona has the potential to be a global leader, but this requires greater collaboration between sectors and a focus on sustainability and quality of life.
What do you expect from Barcelona in the coming years?
I hope Barcelona continues to be a benchmark for innovation and sustainability while preserving its essence and welcoming character. I would also like to see it further promote the integration of foreign communities and strengthen intercultural dialogue.
Which city do you consider to be your home city? What do you miss most?
My heart is divided between Caracas, where I was born and raised, and Barcelona, which now feels like home. From Caracas, I miss the warmth of its people and the familiarity of the landscapes of my childhood, but Barcelona has given me new roots, goals, and challenges. For someone ambitious and restless like me, that is the best incentive.