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«From Philadelphia to Barcelona: Uplifting the Sporting Tradition» by Mireia Lizandra

«From Philadelphia to Barcelona: Uplifting the Sporting Tradition» by Mireia Lizandra

Photograph: Unsplash
Mireia Lizandra

International Sports Consultant

Philadelphia, known for its welcoming and fraternal spirit, has reflected these values since its founding in 1692. The city is a world-class educational and medical center, excelling in biomedical research and biotechnology, and has a rich sports tradition. Citizens fervently support its professional teams: Eagles, Phillies, 76ers, Flyers and Philadelphia Union. Investment in modern stadiums has enabled Philadelphia to host six matches of the 2026 World Cup, highlighting how sport is central to its identity.

Barcelona, with its rich sporting tradition, especially in football and its transformation after the 1992 Olympics, and now with the America's Cup in sailing, could learn from Philadelphia in sport diversification and community involvement. Philadelphia stands out for its accessibility, the organisation of major events, the relationship between sport and education, and technological innovation in sport. With 19 universities and large sports facilities, Philadelphia uses sport as a tool for personal and academic development. Barcelona could strengthen programmes that link sport and education and improve the fan experience and the implementation of sports technology.

Read the full article here.

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