Digital technology, the future for cultural industries, by David Rodríguez

Photography: Mikhail Nilov (Pexels)

David Rodríguez
Responsible for cultural projects undertaken by the Swiss Cancer League. He is also the director of the international “Girona en Moviment” festival.
The Digital Humanities Institute of the EPFL University in Lausanne offers research and interdisciplinary education to cultural companies in order to help them meet the challenge of digitization and digital transformation, now needed more than ever following the pandemic. Furthermore, the Lausanne city council is conscious that digital culture is what is missing from the cultural economy, and so this year it will be opening a new facility, the “House of Culture and Digital Innovation,” whose aim is to foster the use of digital innovation by cultural industries in the region.
“Barcelona’s great potential for digital innovation attracts talent from around the world,” says David Rodríguez. “But the city finds it difficult to retain this talent.” For him, it is essential to adopt an interdisciplinary approach based on digital humanities in order to foster creativity in the cultural industries.
“Barcelona has the potential to become a global benchmark in cultural enterprises and to contribute to citizens’ quality of life with a full range of cultural opportunities.” adds Rodríguez. Digital transformation provides an essential tool for improving the efficiency of cultural organizations and discovering new business opportunities.
Read the full article here.
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