Barcelona 2040 - 2nd group dynamic to work on the challenges - Imagine
During the 2nd group dynamic, the participants of the program Barcelona 2040 will generate proposals of future for Barcelona from the challenges obtained in the previous sessions with the leaders of the city: Barcelona and its science; Barcelona and its culture; Barcelona and its medicine and pharmacy sector; Barcelona and its industry; Barcelona and its technology.
The dynamic will be moderated by Xavier Verdaguer, entrepreneur, Founder and CEO of Imagine Creativity Center, and member of the International Council (San Francisco) of Barcelona Global; and 2 facilitators of the Imagine team. The Lombard Design Doing method from California Silicon Valley Imagine Innovation Center will be applied. The final output will be 3-minute presentations of each team that will be recorded on video.
*This session is part of Barcelona 2040 and is exclusive to the participants of the program.
- Date:12/02/2021, 13:00