- Individual Members
Abad Mir, Antoni Executive Director - Banca Privada ANDBANKAbad Mir, Antoni Executive Director - Banca Privada1990-1999 Director department - financial and insurance activities at Sabadell Multibanca - Banco Sabadell Group -, 1999-2004 Director of the department financial and insurance activities at Credit Suisse, 2004-2010 Director department financial and insurance activities at Banque Privee Edmond de Rothschild
Abia, Nacho Global COO OlympusAbia, Nacho Global COONacho Abia is an Executive Officer and serves as Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Olympus Corporation. Nacho’s career with Olympus started in 2001 as the Managing Director of the Iberia Region based in Barcelona, Spain. He later moved to Hamburg (Germany) in 2007, and to Center Valley, Pennsylvania, in 2011 to join Olympus Corporation of the Americas (OCA). In 2013, he was promoted to the role of President of the entire OCA and in March 2015 was also appointed as its CEO and he served in that capacity until his promotion to the global COO role in April 2020. In addition to his Olympus responsibilities, Nacho serves on the Board of Directors of AdvaMed (Advanced Medical Technology Association) and on the Board of Directors of the US-Spain Chamber of Commerce. Prior to joining Olympus, Nacho held several positions in the IT and consumer electronics industries working for a variety of high-tech companies, including Sony and Techdata. He holds dual Master’s Degrees; one in Telecommunications and Electronic Engineering, and another in Business Administration.
Acevedo Luciani, Adriana Partner NTT DATAAdami, Pep Corporate Development Associate HARVARDAdami, Pep Corporate Development AssociateAnalyst in the Investment Banking Division of Goldman Sachs, working with clients in the Technology, Media & Telecommunications industries on M&A and financing transactions. Graduated in Philosophy, Politics and Economics from the University of Warwick in 2017. Previously studied at Aula Escola Europea.
Adán, Montserrat International Director AREASAdán, Montserrat International DirectorInternational Director of AREAS and also she is present on the Direction Committee.
Adell Antonio, Jose President GRUPO JULIAAdell Duacastella, Jose Francisco ECONOMISTA GRUPO JULIAAdroher, Cristina Cap d'Operacions del Pediatric Cancer Center Barcelona (PCCB) HOSPITAL SANT JOAN DE DÉUAdroher, Cristina Cap d'Operacions del Pediatric Cancer Center Barcelona (PCCB)Graduated in Political Science and Administration and Economics (Pompeu Fabra University), specializing in Health Economics, with eight years of experience in the Catalan health system developing tasks of economist and strategic support at management levels. I have acquired skills to lead and coordinate working groups and implement health projects.
Agell, Pepe Partner PEAR VCAgell, Pepe PartnerPepe Agell leads Chartboost’s strategic planning and partnerships, marketing and corporate development efforts. He holds a Mechanical Engineering degree from the UPC Barcelona and the ETH Zurich. Prior to joining Chartboost, Agell led product management and operations teams in both multinational (Hilti AG) and startups (3scale and Innovalley).
Agenjo Bosch, Ramon Member of the Board and Director S.A. DAMMAgenjo Bosch, Ramon Member of the Board and DirectorRamon Agenjo i Bosch (Barcelona, 1957) is a member of the Executive Board of Damm and its Secretary, has been President of the Cacaolat Group since 2022, and is a member of the board of various companies within the Damm group. He is the great-grandson of one of Damm’s founders, Josep Damm, and has worked largely in the brewing group for four decades. Agenjo holds degrees in Economics and in Business Management from the Universitat Abat Oliba CEU and a diploma in Business Studies from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. He has several post-graduate qualifications and is a Chartered Accountant from the Universitat de Barcelona. Agenjo is a Trustee and Director of the Damm Foundation and President of the Estrella de Levante Foundation, which drive the company’s cultural, sporting and social philanthropy. Agenjo is also the President of the Damm Football Club and of the Damm Padel Club. He holds the Ramon Llull ETHOS Chair at the Universitat Ramon Llull and is a member of the board of trustees of many of the country’s leading cultural, educational and social institutions.
Aguila, Oriol Director PERALADA FESTIVALAguila, Oriol DirectorDirector of Festival de Peralada, one of the most important summer festivals in Catalonia.
Aguilar Del Pozo, Laura Managing Director ACCENTUREAguilar, Carolina CEO INBRAIN NEUROELECTRONICSAguilar, Carolina CEOBusiness executive with corporate and startup experience. More than 15 years of experience in European and Global positions managing complex environments from acquisitions to consolidated businesses in powerhouses such as Medtronic. Specialized in deep tech ,digital health technology and business design with value-based healthcare principles for healthcare sustainability
Aguilera, Jordi advocat CUCH-AGUILERA LEGALAgustina Sanllehí, Valeriano Francisco (Lalo) Director de Comunicación y Relaciones Institucionales LA MENORQUINAAicart, Daniel Head of Strategic Planning BSMAicart, Daniel Head of Strategic PlanningAeronautical Engineer and Economist. Working as Senior Consultant involved in strategy and transaction advisory projects for infrastructure operators, airlines, multi-lateral development agencies and investment funds across Latin America and Middle East. Previously worked at British Airways in London.
Alaoui, Mehdi Partner ERA GROUPAlaoui, Mehdi PartnerMehdi brings an extensive experience as an international financial executive with a great entrepreneurial spirit oriented to the development of the business. As a partner of the Expense Reduction Analyst, he relies on a unique network of expert and seasoned consultants who allow organizations increase business performance. By working with industry specialists, he is able to build long-term rela
Alarcón, Aurelio CEO SEABELUSAlbert Bargalló, Enrique Vice-president Colegio del Arte Mayor de la SedaAlbert Bargalló, Enrique Vice-presidentVice President of the Col·legi de l'Art De La Seda and Administrator and Owner of Interfareba (chemical distribution company).
Alcántara-García Ferreiro, Enrique President APARTURAlcántara-García Ferreiro, Enrique PresidentApartur is the Associació d'Apartaments Turístics de Barcelona, which represents the owners and management companies of the sector in Barcelona and province.
Alcaraz García, Juan Antonio Director general Nortia CapitalAlcaraz García, Juan Antonio Director generalJuan Antonio Alcáraz holds a degree in Business Management from Cunef (Madrid’s Complutense University) and a Master of Business Administration from the IESE Business School. He joined ”la Caixa” in December 2007 as Chief Business Officer. He is currently head of the following business units at CaixaBank: Retail Banking (Branch Network, Private and Premier Banking, Wholesale Banking), Global Customer Experience (Daily Banking, Enjoy, Protect, Commerce), Specialized Consumer Segments (Imaginbank, Family, Senior, Agrobank, Holabank). Moreover, he is in charge of the following subsidiary companies: CaixaBank Digital Business and CaixaBank Business Intelligence.He is also Chairman of CaixaBank Payments and of CaixaBank Consumer Finance and a member of the Board of Directors of SegurCaixa Adeslas.Over the course of a lengthy career he has served as General Manager of Banco Sabadell (2003-2007), where he was responsible for the Business Network, International Network and Wholesale Banking (Corporate and Investment Banking). Prior to that, he was Deputy General Manager of Santander and Central Hispano (1990-2003), where he was responsible for the Commercial Banking Network and Business Banking in Catalonia (1998-2003). From 1995 to 1998 he was responsible for the Regional Division of Aragón and from 1990 to 1995 for the creation of the Business Branch Network.
Alcober Teixido, Albert directivo ColonialAlegre, Jordi Managing Partner Miura PartnersAlegre, Jordi Managing PartnerJordi joined Miura in 2007. He is partner since 2014 and was appointed Managing Partner in 2020. During his career at Miura, he has led some of the most relevant investments in Miura and has executed complex international consolidation projects. Jordi also takes part in originating opportunities and the development of portfolio companies.
Alemany Mas, Salvador President SABA INFRAESTRUCTURAS. S.A.Alguersuari, Jaime Alguersuari Editor and President JAT PATRIMONIALAlmela, Rita Partner Redwoods DinamycsAlmela, Rita PartnerRita Almela holds a degree in economics from the UB (EUS Program) and an Executive MBA from IESE. She is a founding partner of 101 Ventures. She is a member of the Board of Directors of CaixaBank P&C and chair of its Innovation, Technology and Digital Transformation Committee. She is president of the Catalonia Council of AED. Previously she has been an entrepreneur and investor in technology startups.
Almirall Civit, Montse Co fundadora COMERCIAL COALCI SLAlmirall Civit, Montse Co fundadoraIn 2005, I founded my company specializing in the rental of lifting platforms and machinery. In 2018, after being diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer, my life took a turn, and together with my oncologist, Dr. Cortés, I founded the Contigo Foundation against Women's Cancer, focused on raising funds for research. I currently serve as the vice president.
Alonso, Daniel General Director GRUPO JULIAAlonso, Pedro Luis Former Managing Director ISGLOBALAlonso, Pedro Luis Former Managing DirectorFormer Managing director of IS Global. Currently director of CRESIB, CEO of the health service and tropical medicine of Hospital Clinic de Barcelona. Professor in Universidad de Barcelona and president of the CISM.
Alsina Call, Maria Chief Territorial Officer of Barcelona CAIXABANKAlsina Call, Maria Chief Territorial Officer of BarcelonaMrs. Maria Alsina Call is the Territorial Director of CaixaBank in Barcelona. She has a degree in Law, a postgraduate degree in Banking and Finance at Pompeu Fabra University, she has participated in different programs at IESE, Advanced Management Program at ESADE and Transformational Leadership at ICLD, among others. She has held various positions in the entity highlighting her work as Territorial Director in the Balearic Islands, Commercial Director of Barcelona and General Delegate of Girona. Married and mother of three children aged 8 and 5.
Alsina Leal, Adria Head of Corporate Communications GLOBAL BUSINESS SCHOOL BARCELONAAlsina, Carles CEO Sabseg GroupAlsina, Carles CEOBefore joining Miura Partners in 2013, I worked at Morgan Stanley in London, in the Corporate Finance and Capital Markets division. I earned an Industrial Engineering degree from Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña and a Business Administration degree from HEC Paris.
Alsina, Jaume President ASCEFAlsina, Jaume PresidentPresident of ASCEF 2022
Alsina, Oriol Head of Fundraising, Communication and Marketing IRB BARCELONAAlsina, Silvia Directora General RomanAlsina, Silvia Directora GeneralSilvia Alsina, General Manager at Roman y Asociados, has more than 20 years experience in corporate communication. She has managed more than 200 accounts and brands throughout her career.
Alvarez Cortizo, María José Innovation, Marketing and Communication Director OCCIDENTAlvarez, Xavier Director CAIXA CAPITAL RISCAlvarez, Xavier DirectorAsset management expert, with 20 years of experience in banking and venture capital. Previously: Head of International Banking at Criteria, angel investor and prior to that, Managing Director of Corporate & Structured Risk department in CaixaBank. Focus on Fintech and Insurtech Business. Board of Director at KDPOF, Playgiga and Immfly
Amat Amigó, Imma President Amat ImmobiliarisAmat Amigó, Imma PresidentGeneral Director at Amat Inmobiliaria. Member of the Cercle d'Economia.
Amat Riera, Jaume CEO ROB SURGICAL SYSTEMS S.L.Amat Riera, Jaume CEOCurrent CEO of the companies Rob Surgical Systems S.L. and Specipig. Collaborator in other biotechnology sector companies through his consulting firm, Bioemprèn. Former president of CataloniaBio & HealthTech, an association of biomedical and health technology companies in Catalonia.
Amigó I Casas, Joan Chief Executive Officer Applus+Amigó I Casas, Joan Chief Executive OfficerHe started his professional career at Price Waterhouse Coopers in 1991 as an external audit. In 1994 he started working at Bimbo, a large Spain and Portugal consumer company, where he had different management positions: Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Financial Director of Shared Services, Controller and Head of Internal Audit. In 2006 he was appointed Vice President of Financial Planning and Control of the European Divisions of Sara Lee Bakery. In 2007 he was appointed Chief Financial Officer of Grupo Applus, highlighting the stock market exit in 2014. He holds a degree in Economics from the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona and also an Executive Development Program from IESE, a Global Business Strategy Program from Wharton, University of Pennsylvania, and an Advanced Management Program from ESADE.
Andrade Ycaza, Valeria Consultant ANTEVERTIAndrade Ycaza, Valeria ConsultantPolitical Science graduate, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona).
Andreu, Ferran Head of Sales SEAT | CUPRA AMAG Import AGAndreu, Ferran Head of Sales SEAT | CUPRAIndustrial engineer with a professional career focused on the automotive sector and specifically on the Volkswagen group. Initially transversal career, since 15 years focused on the commercial area. In a first stage in the head office to international rooms, and for 10 years at the Swiss importer AMAG as sales manager for SEAT, then Volkswagen, and today for SEAT and CUPRA.
Andreu, Jan President ANDGEAndreu, Jan PresidentPresident Muji Spain, CEO Group Andreu and Co-founder of Whotells, he lived in Paris and New York working for Arthur Andersen and Grey Advertising.
Anglés, Marisa Gerente de Comunicación TELEFONICAAnglés, Marisa Gerente de ComunicaciónMarisa Anglés is a journalist from Ramón Llull University with a master's degree in financial management from Eada. She has worked for more than twenty years in the economic press, in media such as Agencia EFE, Dossier Econòmic, El Periódico de Catalunya and the newspaper Expansión. She is currently corporate communications manager for Telefónica Este (Catalonia, Valencia, Aragon, Murcia and the Balearic Islands).
Angove, Karl CEO EPSON IBÉRICAAngove, Karl CEOKarl joined Epson in 2018 as Executive Director of Consumer for Western Europe, before being appointed Vice President in May 2019. Previously, he held senior positions at a number of technology companies in the UK, France, Czech Republic and Germany. Karl holds a degree in accounting and finance from the University of Wales, is married and enjoys traveling.
Antolí I Giner, Montserrat Gestora cultural TEATRE NACIONAL DE CATALUNYA, SA.Antras, Eric Project Leader NTTDATAAntras, Eric Project LeaderBarcelonian by nature, I studied an International BBA, and in 2018 I joined Accenture. Now on, my objective inside Accenture is to grow my career inside the Strategy & Consulting - Life Science world. I'm passionate for Entrepeneurship, Technology and Gastronomy.
Antunez, Marta Directora Wayra Barcelona TELEFONICAAntunez, Marta Directora Wayra BarcelonaMarta Antúnez is director of Wayra Barcelona, Telefónica's open innovation hub, from her position she invests in technology startups that can accelerate the innovation of Telefónica and its customers. Marta has been in the entrepreneurial ecosystem for more than 10 years, has experience as a startup founder and as a corporate venturing consultant. She holds an engineering degree from UPC and an MBA from INSEAD.
Aranda, José Antonio Director de Relaciones Institucionales CELLNEX TELECOMAranda, José Antonio Director de Relaciones InstitucionalesJosé Antonio is a technology evangelist who believes strategy and engagement are the tools to boost the development of the digital society. As Global Corporate Affairs Director at Cellnex, he’s contributing with his wealth of experience to generating new opportunities for the different industry segments. He’s contributing with the industry partners to the advocacy and lobbying of company position.
Arcas, Jordi CEO TALENTUPArcas, Jordi CEOI'm the founder of TalentUp. We offer information about the talent market globally. I've a deep knowledge of talent fluctuations, specially for IT roles.
Arderiu Ibars, Àngels CFO ColonialArellano, Antonio CTO - Business Angel OSHUNArellano, Antonio CTO - Business AngelI started as a Date Engineer at Ludium Lab, a video game startup. After 2 years in Rotterdam working as Data Engineer at Helloprint and Siemens, I came back to Barcelona. Now I'm a professor at UOC and Data Engineer at Travelperk. Outside work, I am interested in geopolitics, international trade and diplomacy. In the medium term, I would like to create an e-health or gastronomy company.
Arévalo, Adrián Deputy CEO Importación Congelados PremiumArévalo, Adrián Deputy CEOOriginally from Barcelona, with proven experience in M&A and capital markets, where he has participated in transactions in Spain and cross-border across various industries. He is currently an executive at Importación Congelados Premium, where he leads the company's management in Spain and Portugal. Professor at Esade and member of the Board of Directors of the Family Business Club.
Arias Valdés, Siro Partner BLUECAPArias Valdés, Siro PartnerI joined Bluecap in January 2006 after a very interesting experience in the Middle East (Dubai) with DiamondCluster. As a consultant in Bluecap, I have been involved in projects of business strategy for personal and corporate banking, commercial productivity, risk & financial analysis for leading financial institutions in the Spanish market. Previously, I had worked as an analyst at Lehman Brothers (London - Financial Institutions Group - M&A) and DiamondCluster (Barcelona - Dubai offices), where I had been involved in projects for leading telecom companies. Graduated at Esade (Lic&MBA), with an exchange program at the MBA of University of Michigan. Passion for sports.
Arimont Lincoln, Carla President - CEO Lincoln Leadership Advisors LLCArimont Lincoln, Carla President - CEOCarla brings close to 20 years of professional experience in Talent Management, having worked for diverse clients and industries across various geographies. She presents a clear multicultural background, with extensive professional experience in Europe, Latin America and the United States. She is the current President/CEO of Lincoln Leadership Advisors, a small HR boutique located in Houston.
Armengou, Jaume General Secretary IESE BUSINESS SCHOOLArmengou, Jaume General SecretaryVice-President of Academics Ordination in the International University of Catalonia (UIC). Also he is a profesor in the same University.
Armet Alonso, Marc Investor Relations Manager CAPITAL CELLArqué Roca, Cristina Abogada ColonialArqué Roca, Cristina AbogadaLawyer in the Legal Department of Inmobiliaria Colonial, SOCIMI, S.A., working in the Investment and Insurance Area. Graduated in Law from Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) and Master in Law from UPF Barcelona School of Management.
Artigas, Josep President & Owner Info Direct BCN 2003 S.L.Artigas, Josep President & OwnerBusinessman and entrepreneur
Aso Miranda, Carlos Chief Executive Officer ANDBANKAso Miranda, Carlos Chief Executive OfficerCEO of Andbank España, formerly Deputy Director-General of the department of private banking & marketing at Andorra Banc Agricol Reig, SA. Has completed his studies of computer engineering in the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.
Astort-Tubert, Alfred UX Design Lead McKinsey & CompanyAstort-Tubert, Alfred UX Design LeadDown to earth User Experience Design Team Leader with more than 20 years of experience with a "roll-up your sleeves" attitude. Know-how in start-up, corporate and agency environments with extensive knowledge creating digital experiences that engage users at emotional level. Currently VP of design at Thimble, previously at Time Inc, RGA New York, Microsoft and few US start-ups.
Asuncion, Enric CEO WallboxAsuncion, Enric CEOCEO Walbox
Auf Der Maur, Rolf Partner VISCHERAulinas Guillaumes, Sergi General Director Laboratorios Gebro PharmaAusejo, Joaquín Chief Operating Officer Alma HotelsAusejo, Joaquín Chief Operating OfficerDegree in Business Administration and Management at the Institut Químic de Sarrià, Master in Audit and Financial Management at Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Hotel Director AlmaBarcelona, Director of AlmaPamplona, Senior Auditor at Deloitte.
Ayo Ferrándiz, Cristina Counsel URIA MENÉNDEZAyo Ferrándiz, Cristina CounselIs counsel of the Litigation Practice Area of Uria Menéndez’s Barcelona office. She joined the firm in September 2000. She focuses her practise on advising on contentious and pre-contentious civil and commercial issues, and specialises in pursue contentious issues which arise before the Spanish courts and tribunals as a part of national and international arbitration proceedings relating to the law of damages in its máximum extent (contractual liability, non-contractual liability and product liability), as well as contractual, corporate, lease agreements or banking-financial disputes. In particular, she defended different companies against the claims of contractual liability and non-contractual liability urged by privates, in the field of individual actions and/or by associations of consumers users, in the field of collective actions.
Azagra, Jorge Lawyer URÍA MENÉNDEZ ABOGADOS, S.L.P.Azagra, Jorge LawyerI am a lawyer at Uría Menendez and an associate professor of civil law at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra. I represent national and foreign companies in litigation proceedings, both before Spanish courts and national and international arbitration courts. I also advise on insolvency matters as well as on civil and commercial contract law matters.
Azlor, Jordi General Director of Materials Area SORIGUEÁlvarez, Alfonso CEO Espanya CELLNEX TELECOMÁlvarez, Alfonso CEO EspanyaAlfonso Álvarez has held various positions in Cellnex Telecom since 2001 and played an active role in its international expansion, in functions such as Corporate Director of TIS, Deputy MD in Cellnex Italy and Cellnex UK and MD of Cellnex UK until 2023. He holds a degree in Telecommunications Engineering from the University of Vigo, AMP from IESE and a Master in Telecommunications Economics from UNED.
Úbeda Hernández , Ana Directora de Projectes Estratègics i Internacionals FieldfisherÚbeda Hernández , Ana Directora de Projectes Estratègics i InternacionalsAna Úbeda is a Partner of the Corporate Law and M&A Department of Fieldfisher Jausas, Barcelona office. She has developed most of her professional career in Garrigues law firm. Ana is specialized in providing advice to national and international groups in Company and Commercial law, and in M&A transactions. She is fluent in Spanish, Catalan, English and French.
Bach Baixeras, Carlos Partner AbanteBachs, Jordi Director FUNDACIÓ PRIVADA HOSPITAL DE LA SANTA CREU I SANT PAUBachs, Jordi DirectorDegree in Economics and Business Administration. University of Barcelona, 1986. Insurance Actuary. University of Barcelona, 1986. PhD in Economics. Thesis: "Commercial Management: decision making in an environment of uncertainty". University of Barcelona, 1993. Professor of Financial Economics and Accounting at the University of Barcelona. Corresponding Academician of the Royal Academy of European Doctors. Visiting Professor at various universities, including Navarra-IESE. In his professional career, he has held management positions in the private sector: Grupo Zurich, Barcelona Trade Fair, Deutche Bank and the National Association of the Real Estate Sector. He is currently the Managing Director of the Fundación Privada Hospital de la Santa Cruz y San Pablo in Barcelona.
Badia , Luisa Arquitecte L35 ArquitectosBadia , Luisa ArquitecteBorn in Barcelona in 1958. Studied in Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona (1990), undertaking the discipline of Projects Theory and History. Is General Director of L35, architectural study born in Barcelona that counts with more than 200 professionals and offices in Barcelona, Madrid, París, Ginebra, Miami, México, Sao Paulo, Bogotá, Santiago, Estambul, Casablanca, Abu Dabi
Badia, David Manager Institute of Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC)Badia, Mons Directora de ecoinnovación y consultora sénior ANTEVERTIBadia, Mons Directora de ecoinnovación y consultora séniorPassionate about creative urban solutions, eco-innovation, environmental resilience, and circularity. Current President of COAMB, the College of Environmentalists of Catalonia, and senior consultant of Anteverti since 2018, where we help cities become smarter and more sustainable.
Badosa Vila, Óscar Managing Partner PREMIUM TRAVELER BARCELONABadosa Vila, Óscar Managing PartnerGraduated in law from the University of Barcelona, Óscar has developed his professional career in the real estate, legal and, above all, tourism sectors. In 2012 he founded, together with two other partners, Premium Traveler Barcelona, a luxury inbound travel agency specialized in creating tailor-made trips and unique experiences in Barcelona, Catalonia and other Spanish destinations.
Badosa, Marc Ingeniero 4FOUNDERS CAPITALBadosa, Marc IngenieroMS in Civil Engineering and MBA from ESADE Business School with broad experience in venture capital and strategy consulting. Founder and Partner of SeedRocket 4Founders Capital SCR, venture capital fund with €12M under management. I have been actively involved in transactions in more than 25 companies as Privalia, Scytl, MAT Group, Holded, Coverfy, Stayforlong, Localisto or Filmax among others.
Bagnati, Natalia Business & Partnership Development Manager EAE BUSINESS SCHOOLBagnati, Natalia Business & Partnership Development ManagerProfessional focused on the marketing and communication world for more than 16 years. I have collaborated and performed my functions in several countries, obtaining an integral and international vision when developing and executing strategies and business plans. I have traveled a path through several companies in different market sectors.
Baguenier, Joao Director GLGBaguenier, Joao DirectorDirector at GLG, serving as the Director for EMEA Growth and Head of Barcelona Office, catering to clients in various sectors including Private Equity and Public Markets across all of EMEA
Balcells, Josep M. Abogado - Socio/ Partner TODA & NEL-LO ADVOCATSBalcells, Josep M. Abogado - Socio/ PartnerJosep M. Balcells is the head of the Corporate and International Law department at Toda & Nel-lo. He is a lawyer specialized in Corporate Law, Transactions and International Contract Law. He is a Board Member and the Treasurer of the ICAB (Barcelona Bar Association) since June 2017. He teaches in the Master’s programme of Business International Law at ESADE Business School.
Baldellou-Solano, José Fernando Founder & CEO Biloba Corporate VenturesBaldellou-Solano, José Fernando Founder & CEOPartner Emeritus of Deloitte Spain, with experience in Corporate Finance focused on financial and strategic advice to national and international companies in complex operations of Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A), Private Equity, Strategic Alliances, Joint Ventures and Corporate Finance. I am a member of the Board of Partners of Deloitte Spain and lead the StartmeUP program.
Ballbe, Bibiana Founder and Director TheCreativeBallbe, Bibiana Founder and DirectorFounder & Director at TheCreativeNet.
Ballell, Sergi General Director Grupo TGTBallell, Sergi General DirectorI started my professional career at Group Danone as a Point of Sale Manager, and during the following 20 years, I was promoted within the same company, Danone, Kraft & Mondelez until I got to the general management of Mondelez Iberia. My career developed through sales, finance, and management control, specializing in company transformation processes and the management of large mergers and integrations. Since 4 years ago, I've been managing the general management of Group TGT, the cheese leader in Spain, with 11 factories and commercial delegations. Managing Director oriented towards People and Results with experience in leading high-performance sales teams and in successfully increasing the results, the talent, efficiency, and productivity while reducing costs and inefficiencies. Capacity to keep a leveled head at all times, to nurture and grow a business, evaluate opportunities and risks, and offer new innovative solutions to challenges as well.
Balletbo, Clara PERIODISTA ESTILHOBalletbo, Clara PERIODISTAClara Balletbo is dedicated to hotel management and other tourism businesses such as apartments and campsites. She is also a patron of the Contigo Foundation Against Women's Cancer, which focuses on clinical and translational research to fight female cancer.
Baranda, Ana Head of Alliances & Partners ZURICH INSURANCEBarba de Villalonga, Buenaventura Executive Director Advanced MusicBarbany, Joana DRA BD MICHAEL PAGEBarbany, Joana DRA BDProfessional in the ICT sector with more than 20 years of experience in the digital sector. Degree in Journalism and Diploma in Business Administration. Master's degree from UPF-BSM. She has studied programs at ESADE and IESE. She has led public policies aimed at promoting society and technological innovation of corporations and individuals. She is currently a Business Development Manager at Michael Page.
Barcala Suñe, Luis Enrique CEO USBEL & ELSDR FOUNDATIONBarcala Suñe, Luis Enrique CEOcoming soo...
Barcons Vilardell, Merce SVP of Global M&A HPBarcons Vilardell, Merce SVP of Global M&AMercè is a Senior VP leading Global M&A at HP. In this role she oversees the post-acquisition integration and divestitures process, developing and implementing comprehensive plans to realize the committed value of the deals. Most recently, Mercè was the General Manager for Large Format Go-to-Market where she was responsible for the go to market strategy and business execution worldwide.
Bardauil, Marcia Market Insights Lead -Bardauil, Marcia Market Insights LeadWith over 9 years’ experience in the cosmetics Industry, truly passionate about Beauty in and out, Marcia has recognised expertise in product development and direct selling for B2C and B2B companies, from Latin America to Europe. She has worked with and for major brands across the globe and is now the face of Quadpack's Market Insights team, a top 10 European packaging company.
Barelles, Xavier Paid Media Manager SoldoBarelles, Xavier Paid Media ManagerPaid Media Manager with interest in business strategy, project management, entrepreneurship and marketing and digital commerce.
Barker-Harrold, Tom Senior Director, Marketing INTEGRATED SYSTEMS EVENTSBarker-Harrold, Tom Senior Director, MarketingSenior Director at ISE, the world’s leading AV and systems integration exhibition. A business leader specialising in building high-performance marketing teams for scale-up and SME companies operating in Live Events, Emerging Tech and Experiential. I've been fortunate to work within the audio technology industry for fifteen years.
Barmose Charif, Karim Operations Director WINIDBarmose Charif, Karim Operations DirectorHeadhunter with 10 years of experience in the world of international talent acquisition. I bring a great knowledge of the pharmaceutical, industrial, FMCG and financial sectors. Supporting large companies in the search for the talent that will take them to the next level. I have advised major companies in the detection and attraction of professionals in Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia.
Barnils, Cloe Legal Partner at Deloitte Legal Barnils, Cloe Legal Partner at Deloitte LegalCloe is Partner at Deloitte Legal in Barcelona. Before joining Deloitte, she developed her career in Erns & Young Abogados and in law firm Donahue & Partners LLP (New York, United States). From September 2016 leads Desk Legal in London for implementation and development of legal services of Deloitte in the United Kingdom. She is member of Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Barcelona, in addition to being collegiate member for serving as foreign legal adviser in New York. Cloe specializes in sales transactions of companies, nationals and cross-border, including operations planning, due diligence processes, negotiating and execution of transactions. Additionally, she has solid experience in corporate reorganizations of multinational groups for optimization of corporate structures and integration of post-acquisition businesses. Also, she advises on a recurring basis Spanish and foreign multinationals on trade law affairs. She has a degree in Law by Universitat de Barcelona and holds a diploma in International Relations by The Johns Hopkins University (SAIS). Cloe speaks Spanish, Catalan, English, French and Italian.
Barona, Sara Senior Associate OSBORNE CLARKEBarona, Sara Senior AssociateSara is a lawyer specialized in commercial law, where she has extensive experience in M&A, private equity and commercial contracts. She holds a double degree in Law and Business Administration from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Sara also participates in several start-up acceleration programs, through legal mentoring talks.
Baronet, Albert Senior Director Sports Marketing Nike BCN NIKEBaronet, Albert Senior Director Sports Marketing Nike BCN1986-1988 General Secretary of the Catalan Athletics Federation 1988-1992 Director of Athletics Olympic Games Barcelona' 92 1993-1994 General Director Spanish Equestrian Federation 1994-1995 General Director World Athletics Championships Barcelona'95 1995-1999 Deputy Director of Competitions of the International Athletics Federation 2000- Senior Director Sports marketing Nike
Barrachina Masip, Oriol Head of Iberia Region CUSHMAN & WAKEFIELDBarrachina Masip, Oriol Head of Iberia RegionStarted in Real Estate consultancy twenty-five years ago and now leads a team of nearly 400 people at Cushman & Wakefield in Iberia Region. He is also part of the firm’s EMEA Strategic and EMEA Management Leadership teams, where he is strongly committed to leading High Performance Culture and Diversity & Inclusion initiatives. He started his career in real estate in CB Richard Ellis in 1996 and by 1997 led Offices Agency in Cushman & Wakefield, Barcelona. In 1999 he became an Associate, in 2002 Partner, in 2013 Executive Partner and in 2014 started to lead the Spanish business. Later in 2020, he was appointed Head of Iberian Region. He holds a Degree in Economics and Business from the University of Barcelona/University of Antwerp (UFSIA) and an MBA from Pompeu Fabra University.
Barrera Ubieto, Miriam Socia co-responsable área de Cataluña, Aragón y Baleares y Responsable Derecho Tributario en esa área. GARRIGUESBarrera, Elena Responsable de Comunicació i Relacions Institucionals SABA INFRAESTRUCTURASBarrera, Elena Responsable de Comunicació i Relacions InstitucionalsDegree in Information Sciences. In charge since July 2011. She joined the Abertis Group in 2003, where, from 2008, she was Head of Communications for Toll Roads and Telecommunications. Between 1993 and 2003 she worked at ABC Newspaper and, before that, at Efe Agency.
Barrera, Maite Founder BLUECAPBarrera, Maite FounderFounder of Bluecap and Member of the Executive Committee of Globant Group. Degree in Business Administration from ESADE. MBA from ESADE and the Anderson School of Business (UCLA). She worked at Oliver Wyman & Co -financial services- in London and Madrid. She is a member of the Board of Trustees of the ESADE Foundation. She is a trustee of the Princess of Girona Foundation and advisor to the Godó Group, as well as a member of the Board of the Cercle d'Economía.
Barri Rague, Pedro Nolasco Director of Obstetrics and Reproductive Medicine DexeusBarri Rague, Pedro Nolasco Director of Obstetrics and Reproductive MedicineDirector of Obstetrics, Gynaecology, and Reproductive Medicine in Dexeus. Also, he is the Director of the Chairmanship in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Barcelona University.
Bartomeu Floreta, Ester CEO OfitesecBartomeu Floreta, Ester CEOProfessional in Performing Arts (theatre and dance) from various aspects: actress, choreographer, teacher as Head of the Dance Department of the Esart Campus, involved in the associationism as vice president of the AADPC, involved at management level as broker in risk prevention through the company Ofitesec SL, fights for cultural defense from belonging to different groups.
Basora Rodriguez, Annamari SIN CARGO creativialabBasora Rodriguez, Annamari SIN CARGO- LA VANGUARDIA EDICIONES, S.L - Barcelona /Director of Communication and Sponsorships. - INSTITUT DE CULTURA DE BARCELONA- (Ajuntament de Barcelona)/Head of Sponsorships. -DAMART, S.A.- Barcelona /Product Manager. -BARCELONA MEETING POINT (BMP) - Barcelona /Account Executive. - SALTER-FRANCE, S.A.R.L - Paris /Assistant to Management.
Bassat Coen, Lluis President Fundación Carmen y Luis BassatBassat Orellana, Yolanda CEO Bassat PartnersBassols Melero, Jorge CFO SocialpointBassols Melero, Jorge CFOJorge Bassols Melero 09/28/1982 CFO at Social Point Jorge is the Chief Financial Officer of Social Point and leads the administration and finance team, is responsible for the people strategy and is a member of the company's management team. With a degree in Business Administration and Management from the UB, Jorge has been with Social Point for more than 10 years after training in companies such as Deloit
Batalla, Pasqual COO Sandsoft GamesBatalla, Pasqual COOCOO and board member of Socialpoint. Industrial Engineer by UPC, MBA by ESADE, PDG by IESE and Executive Program by Singularity University. He has spent the last 12 years of his career managing digital startups. He is one of the relevant players in the video game industry in Barcelona and is highly committed to the social, economic and cultural life of the city.
Batlle Durany, Enric Arquitecte Batlle i Roig ArquitecturaBatlle Durany, Enric ArquitecteCombines practice of architecture, urbanism and landscaping as Founding Partner of Batlle i Roig Arquitectura. Doctor of Architecture, was awarded the Medalla CSCAE 2017, Premio FAD Teoría y Crítica 2012, Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado UPC, y el Montaner de Arquitectura, Teoría y Crítica. Currently, leds Master's Degree in Paisajismo–MBLandArch (UPC)
Batlle, Josep Senior Architect Batlle i Roig ArquitecturaBatlle, Josep Senior ArchitectWith a degree in architecture, I currently work as a senior architect at the Batlle i Roig office. During my work experience, I have had the opportunity to work with many professionals from whom I have been able to learn how to take care of our great city and to value, its urbanism, its architectural and artistic heritage, its pleasant climate, its cutting-edge economy, but especially its people.
Baturone Fabregat, Angel Director de Ventas Cataluña y Levante CLEAR CHANNELBaturone Fabregat, Angel Director de Ventas Cataluña y Levante25 years of professional experience in the advertising industry as regional sales director in Catalonia in companies such as Vocento, Prisa, Sogecable and currently in Clear Channel.
Baygual Ferrater, Guillermo Managing director & co-head of industries group, EMEA J.P. MorganBaygual Ferrater, Guillermo Managing director & co-head of industries group, EMEAGraduated from ESADE in 1993. MSF from Boston College in 1995 Morgan Stanley London, 1995-1996 Kleinwort Benson London, 1997-1998 J.P. Morgan London-Madrid, 1998-current Currently co-head of banking industry groups, EMEA at J.P. Morgan
Bayne, Anne Broker/Owner REALESTATE-DREAMSBayne, Anne Broker/OwnerI'm the broker/owner at realestate-dreams, bringing over 15 years of experience in the property business. Our company provides realtor services in Catalonia and Mallorca. Before coming to Barcelona, I worked as a content manager in Munich. My educational journey includes a degree in History of Art and Romanic Languages from Heidelberg.
Belcastro, Guillermo CEO Hutchison Ports BestBellmunt Llobet, Jose CEO & Co-Founder VORTECHBellmunt Llobet, Jose CEO & Co-FounderGraduated in Computer Science and in Psychology, with 25 years of experience in the IT sector. After 2 years as Ayesa LATAM Country Manager, in 2012, establishing Ayesa Tecnología subsidiaries in different countries in the region, I founded Vortech PCI Group in 2015, an IT consultancy company specialized in IT outsourcing of international highly qualified talent.
Bello Barros, Gabriel Brasil Lead Cisco Networking Academy CISCOBello Barros, Gabriel Brasil Lead Cisco Networking AcademyLeader of the Cisco Networking Academy in Brazil, a social responsibility and education initiative that provides students with technology skills for the job market. He has led complex projects related to innovation in public, social and urban policies from public sector, third sector, private sector and international perspectives.
Beltrán, Olga Living CBREBeltrán, Olga LivingMy name is Olga Beltrán, and from a young age, I knew I wanted to be an architect to transform the city, just as many great architects had done before. During my architecture studies, I had the opportunity to intern at an investment fund in New York, which completely changed my perspective
Beltri, Gerard Gestor de inversiones FREO INVESTMENTS SPAINBeltri, Gerard Gestor de inversionesExperience in integrated management of real estate projects, with a focus on ESG strategies and digitalization. Currently an investment analyst in the Private Wealth department at JLL Capital Markets. Real Estate Management programs by ESADE and Digital Transformation of Organizations by Universitat Pompeu Fabra.
Belver Comin, Ariadna Founder Belver&CoBelver Comin, Ariadna FounderI am economist and I have 24 years of real estate sector experience. I started my carreer as an external accounting auditor by working in EY and specialized in real estate. During the past 9 years I have been also focused on other industries (publishing, tourism and financial) organizing major annual exhibitions, conferences and leadership meetings in Spain, Europe, South Amèrica and Russia.
Benet Cosculluela, Mònica Engineering Student Benet Cosculluela, Mònica Engineering StudentIs a computer engineering student focused on electrical circuits, programming and free software, with interests in AI, robotics and cyborg technologies. Technologic/ artistic itinerary comes along with her: she was invited to various museum and festivals for her work in electronics of sound and body extent and also, invited for symposiums of biohacker movement at the international level.
Benet Cosculluela, Roman Benet, Tatxo Atas corpBenielli, Olivier Campus Dean TBS Education in BarcelonaBenielli, Olivier Campus DeanOlivier Benielli, 56 years old and already 30 years in the world of education. I was born in France, but I have been living in Barcelona for more than 20 years. I have a master's degree in organizational development from the University of Lyon. I have been interested in learning processes and knowledge creation for more than two decades. I now manage the campus of the TBS business school in Barcelona.
Benito, Begoña Directora General Vall d'Hebron Institut de Recerca (VHIR)Benito, Begoña Directora General01/01/2023 – Director: Vall d’Hebron Institute of Research. Barcelona (Spain). 24/12/2018 – Coordinator Principal investigator: Cardiovascular Research Group, Vascular Biology and Metabolism Program, Vall d’Hebron Institute of Research (VHIR). Barcelona (Spain). 01/09/2019 – Associate professor: School of Medicine. Universitat Autònoma
Berdón, Sara Events Manager cloudworksBerdón, Sara Events ManagerPassionate about events, travel and good stories.
Bermejo Perramón, David CEO CIB PARTNERSBermejo Perramón, David CEOAfter years in financial consulting at Accenture, David currently leads CIB Partners, a firm specializing in finance, taxation, corporate, and M&A. He focuses his professional practice on the entry processes of foreign companies into Spain and acts as a board advisor primarily in the energy industry and circular economy. He studied Business at UPF, Law at UNIR, and completed a EP at IE Madrid.
Bernabeu Moliner, David CEO CitiboxBernadó, Jordi Owner Jordi BernadóBernadó, Jordi OwnerJordi Bernadó (Lleida, 1966) is the winner of the Fotopress Scholarship in 1993 and the Endesa X Scholarship in 2007. His book "Very very bad news" won the prize for the best photography book at Photoespaña 02 and the prize for the best art book from the Ministry of Culture in 2002. His work is part of important public and private collections around the world.
Bernat, Marcos President BERNAT FOBernat, Marcos PresidentPresident on Bernat Family Office, and is also an active investor with a focus in technology: TIC, biotech and cleantech. He is an member of other boards in different industries. This is balanced with studies in dramatic art, philosophy, and brain biology. For 24 years he worked for his family business, Chupa Chups and he created the Smint product and brand (powermints).
Beron, Tatiana CEO CONCENTRIXBeron, Tatiana CEOShe studied in France and worked at Webhelp France for 6 years. She moved to Colombia, where she held the position of head of the Latam region. Recently, she relocated to Barcelona with her family to take the position of CEO at Concentrix Barcelona.
Bevelander, Bardo CFO LUCTABevelander, Bardo CFOCFO for Quadpack, which is on a quest to revolutionize the beauty sector by creating positive impact packaging. Dutch by birth and Catalan by adoption since 2 decades, he has held leading international positions in the steel and the pharmaceutical industry in Barcelona, Stockholm and Santander. He holds Master degrees by the Rotterdam School of Management, CEMS and an Executive MBA by ESADE.
Biecheler, Patrick Partner Bain & Co.Biecheler, Patrick Partner25 years of experience in strategic consulting, mostly dedicated to the Health / Pharma sector, both in corporate and Private Equity (investor support), and 5 years in the pharmaceutical industry (AstraZeneca, sanofi). 7 years in Madrid as CEO of Roland Berger Spain, and 3 years in Barcelona (Cap Gemini).
Bieto Caubet, Eugenia General Director ESADEBieto Caubet, Eugenia General DirectorHer professional career has mainly been associated with the Business Schools’ sector. She is an expert in entrepreneurship initiative and corporate entrepreneurship. She currently holds the presidency of the global network of business schools CEMS.
Bigatà Viscasillas, Carme Legal Director Spain & Director of Strategic Development and Institutional Relations – Spain VALUE RETAIL - LA ROCA VILLAGEBigatà Viscasillas, Carme Legal Director Spain & Director of Strategic Development and Institutional Relations – SpainShe is Director of Strategic Development and Institutional Relations of Value Retail group in Spain and, also, Director of the legal department. She worked in Uría Menéndez for 16 years and in 2008 she joined Value Retail. She was advising Value Retail from its beginning in Spain in 1996 and her work has evolved from the legal department to coordination of strategic projects of Value Retail in Spain, working closely with CEO. Graduated in Law from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Extraordinary Prize of Degree) and Master of Laws (LLM) in International Trade per la London School of Economics that she studied with a scholarship Fullbright granted by La Caixa in collaboration with Instituto Británico.
Biosca, Ignasi CEO - Consejero Delegado Reig JofreBiosca, Ignasi CEO - Consejero DelegadoEngineer by studies, I devoted many years working in the advertising industry, more specifically in the very beginnings of the online advrtsng world. After close to a decade with international responsabilities, I jumped to lead the family business, a pharmaceutical company founded by my grandfather in BCN some 100 years ago. Today we are listed and have direct operations and teams in 7 countries.
Birulés, Anna M President ECONOMISTBirulés, Anna M PresidentPresident of Tres60 Group and former Minister of Science and Technology in the Spanish Government.
Biscari, Caterina Directora ALBA SYNCHROTRONBiscari, Caterina DirectoraExperimental physicist, expert of particle accelerators, worked at CERN and at LNF-INFN. Since 2012 Director of ALBA Synchrotron, has managed its development as a large multidisciplinary research facility with international projection, and is now planning the upgrade to 4th generation light source. Chair of LEAPS (www.leaps-initiative.eu/) and member of several international advisory boards.
Blackman, Michael CEO INTEGRATED SYSTEMS EVENTSBlackman, Michael CEOMike is CEO of Integrated Systems Events, organizer of the Worlds’ largest AV Exhibition. An avid tech fan he has been involved in technology publishing and events for more than 35 years, the past 18 focused on the AV sector. ISE outgrew its previous home in Amsterdam and now makes its’ future in Barcelona. In 2020 Installation Magazine voted Mike the most influential person in Pro AV.
Blanc, Juan Partner Grupo GispertBlanc, Juan PartnerMercantile lawyer with extensive experience in legal advice to national and international companies in various sectors. Specialist in M & A, corporate, commercial contracts, compliance and real estate. Focused on preventing and resolving conflicts in a pragmatic way.
Blanca, Miguel VP People & Finance T-SYSTEMS IBERIABlanca, Miguel VP People & FinanceDegree in Industrial Engineering by University of ITESM, Mexico, and with masters in finance, business and financial management. He has experience in HR management, team management, negotiation, and international coordination. In 2002 started his professional life at T-Systems Mexico, as Head of Project Management & Controlling Office. Transferred to TS USA, as head of HR. In Iberia from April 2017.
Blanch Segarra, Albert Arquitecte Blanch + Conca Arquitectura BCABlanch Segarra, Albert Arquitecte1964. Born in Barcelona 1964 1982-1988. Studies at the Higher Technical School of Architecture of Barcelona (ETSAB) 1987-1988. He collaborates in Estudio Bonell / Gil arqtos, F. Mitjans, arqto. and Mitjans / Gascón Arquitectos 1990-1994. Associated architect at Mitjans / Gascón Arquitectos 1994. Funda BCA Arquitectura with Mercé Conca, architect
Blanch, Mireia Partner Bufete B. BuigasBlanco Vera, Manuel Partner KPMGBlanco Vera, Manuel PartnerManel Blanco is the partner responsible for Markets in Cataluña, Balearic and Andorra, head of the office of KPMG in Girona and has developed his professional career in the Audit department of KPMG • Degree in Economic and Business Sciences by the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. • Member of Instituto de Auditores y Censores Jurados de Cuentas de España and of Colegio de Censores Jurados de Cuentas de Cataluña. • Member of Registro Oficial de Auditores de Cuentas. • At this time he is responsible for Markets in Cataluña, Balearic and Andorra, role that combines with partner of the auditoría de Industria y Consumo and head of the office of KPMG in Girona. Additionally, during more than 10 years Manel was a part of methodology development team of Auditoría de KPMG in Spain. • Has extensive experience in large business groups, national and international quoted, family, industrial, chemical and distribution.
Blanco, Carlos Founder EncomendaBlazquez Alonso, Noemi Counsel URIA MENÉNDEZBlazquez Alonso, Noemi CounselNoemí Blázquez joined Uría Menéndez in 2000. She has over 18 years' experience in the practice of administrative, urban and environmental law, collaborating with both the public authorities and in the defence of business interests. He participates in commercial operations of projects in the real estate sector and in the commercial and residential distribution sector.
Boada, Virginia Village Experience Manager VALUE RETAIL - LA ROCA VILLAGEBoada, Virginia Village Experience ManagerMarketing and communication professional in the retail and fashion industry. 10 years in Levi Strauss as a Trade marketing Manager. 5 years in American Nike Retail Manager 9 years in a communication agency as Strategy Director 8 years in Value Retail/La Roca Village as Village experience Manager
Bobet, Raül Director Castell d’EncusBobet, Raül DirectorRaül Bobet is the director and oenologist of Castillo de Encus, his most personal project, in which he set himself the objective of producing high quality wines while always respecting the environment. After many years working in the sector, always with great interest in oenological research, now research, perfectionism and rapture define his work.
Bockmann, Christopher Executive coach Green SpringBockmann, Christopher Executive coachChristopher has a multi-cultural background (French-Norwegian) and is a team coach helping executive teams become more effective in designing strategy, in collaborating toward a shared goal and in managing organizational change. He creates conditions for courageous dialogues to talk about about really matters and for teams to be aligned and energised.
Bodard, Benedicte Diseñadora MESA BONITABodard, Benedicte DiseñadoraOriginally from France, after living 18 years in California as a wardrobe stylist I came to Barcelona in 2001. I had previously fallen in love with it’s architecture and great was my surprise when I kept finding beautiful hydraulic tiles in the dumpsters. I started picking one here and there and seeing that the phenomenon was not going to stop I decided to start making tables, consoles, frames.
Bofarull, Ivan Chief Innovation Officer ESADEBoixareu, Joaquim CEO IRESTAL GROUPBoixareu, Joaquim CEOCEO of Irestal and specialized company in supplying stainless steel in its various forms. Also, he is President of the Consell Social de la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Vice-President of ACUP (Associació Catalana d'Universitats Públiques) and Vice-President of UPM (Unió Patronal Metal·lúrgica).
Bonaclocha, Oriol President Mexico BU Mondelez InternationalBonaclocha, Oriol President Mexico BUBorn and raised in Barcelona. Living in Mexico city for the past 18 years. 23 years Henkel + Silicon Valley + Mondelez International. Big family of seven. Love traveling, food and running. Music and reading.
Bonet Ferrer, Josep Lluís President FREIXENETBonet Ferrer, Josep Lluís PresidentPresident of Freixenet. He is also professor of economics at the University of Barcelona, and he is president of the Executive Committee at Fira de Barcelona, president of Alimentaria, the food and beverages trade fair, and president of the Brands Forum.
Bonet, Alex Director Corporate Affairs AtreviaBonet, Alex Director Corporate AffairsGraduated in Hispanic Philology and master in Communication: Strategy and Reputation by the Fundación Ortega y Gasset, 20 years of experience in Spain and Latin America, he holded the position of Vice-President of ATREVIA for LATAM. Major experience in crisis management and development of strategies in social dialogue and multi stakeholder in sensible industries with its environment and communities.
Bonet, Carlos Founding Partner salomo and bonet godoBonet, Carlos Founding PartnerFounding partner of Salomó & Bonet-Godó, a legal services company and Insurance Broker.
Bonilla, Martí Gestor Banca Premier CAIXABANKBonilla, Martí Gestor Banca PremierI believe I can offer, in first place, a passion for work which I'm developing in the financial sector. An open future and evolution are exciting assets of this realm, assets which we still have a long path to acknowledge and discover little by littler. I want to take part in this change, get to know other people in Barcelona and generate synergies.
Bordas De Togores, Ramon Restauracion y Ocio Nocturno OpiumBorovkova, Natalia Directora General Fundadora Happy WayBorovkova, Natalia Directora General FundadoraBorn in Moscow, I moved to Spain in 2002 where I received a master in MBA and another International Trade. In 2009 I started my own business, Escuelas Happy Way, 0-3 years child care centers in Sant Gervasi, Turo Park, Les Corts and Sant Cugat
Borrás Insa, Bruno Client Solutions Manager TikTokBorrás Insa, Bruno Client Solutions ManagerDigital Marketing Manager in TourRadar, startup that has raised over $ 65M of global funds. Bruno is Engineer in ICT Management by La Salle with an international exchange completed at Manhattan College. With several years of experience in internet companies, he started his career at vente-privee and than worked at BeRepublic, trivago, heycar. Before moving to Viena, lived in Barcelona, New York, Düsseldorf and Berlin.
Borràs, Didac CFO Latin America & Brazil VeoliaBorràs, Didac CFO Latin America & BrazilDegree in Economics and Business Administration from the University of Barcelona and MBA from IESE Business School. With extensive experience leading financial teams in multinational companies in the utilities sector in Spain, France and Latin America.
Borras, Misi Partner LABOUR & EMPLOYMENT COUNSELBorrell Mauri, Anna Responsable de suelo La Llave de OroBorrell Mauri, Anna Responsable de sueloGraduated in Art History (UB) and Law (UB), I started working in the cultural sector (MACBA, MEAM, Balclis), and then I specialized in the world of Law with the Master of Law (UPF). Currently, after 7 years at Garrigues, I am a Senior Associate, which I combine with teaching at the UAB. Member of Barcelona 2042.
Borrell, Alex Managing Director Insurance Lead para IBERIA (España, Portugal e Israel) ACCENTUREBorrell, Alex Managing Director Insurance Lead para IBERIA (España, Portugal e Israel)Born in Barcelona, married, with three daughters. Trained in this school of telecommunications engineers and, shortly after graduating, he joined Accenture in 1998. Throughout his career in the company he has worked in internationalization projects, large transformation processes and design of new products and services, mainly for insurance companies around the world.
Borrell, Marc CEO BORSUB INTERNATIONALBorrós Gómez, Salvador CEO IQSBorrós Gómez, Salvador CEOSalvador Borrós, born in Barcelona in 1963, is a Ph.D. Chemical Engineer IQS-URL (1993) and Chemical Engineer IQS-URL (1987). He has a long teaching and research career. Since 2003 he is Professor of Materials Science and Biomaterials at IQS-Universitat Ramon Llull. In 1994 he created the Materials Science laboratory at IQS.
Bosch, Antoni economista UPFBotha, Ramona Director COLTBoudreau, Colin Head BENJAMIN FRANKLIN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOLBouziane, Radia Owner El Palace BarcelonaBOVE ESPINALT, Nuria Partner DS ADVOCATSBOVE ESPINALT, Nuria PartnerLawyer admitted in Paris and Barcelona. Working in business law (corporate commercial) in Paris for over 20 years. He is a partner of the law firm M & B lawyers in Paris. He is in the department of commercial law and contracts, advising on economic law, corporate law and commercial litigation. Previously he was a partner of Gide Loyrette Nouel in charge of the Iberian Desk. He was in charge of Investment Advice and Defence and litigation in France for Spanish and Latin American multinationals in industrial and commercial projects. He was also managing partner of Cuatrecasas' Paris office in the corporate M&A and commercial law department. She holds a degree in law from the University of the Basque Country, a master's degree in international trade and law and a higher diploma in commercial law from the University of Paris Panthéon-Sorbonne. She completed her training at IESE with a special program in Leadership in the Legal Profession.
Bové Montero, José María President BOVÉ MONTERO Y ASOCIADOSBové Montero, José María PresidentJosé Bové founded Bové Montero y Asociados in 1978 as one of the first firms in Spain to specialize in audit, tax, outsourcing and business consulting. In 2001 he received the "Auditor of the Year" award. In 2006 he was appointed Honorary Consul General of Austria for Catalonia and Aragon. He has been a member of the RAED since 2015. He has a degree in Law and Economics and a degree and PhD in BA.
Brander, Christian Co-Founder BRISA BiomedicalBrander, Christian Co-FounderChristian Brander obtained his PhD in Immunology at the University of Bern and completed his post-doctoral training at Harvard Medical School, focusing on immunity against viral infections. He moved to Barcelona in 2008 to lead the Catalan program for the development of an HIV vaccine. He is CSO of AELIX Therapeutics, co-founder of BRISA Biomedical and an ICREA Research Professor at IrsiCaixa
Bravo Biosca, Albert Director IGLBravo Biosca, Albert DirectorAlbert is the founder and director of the Innovation Growth Lab (IGL), a global partnership of governments, foundations and researchers that trials new approaches to accelerate innovation, entrepreneurship and growth. He holds a PhD in Economics from Harvard University and is guest professor at the Barcelona GSE. He has also been visiting economist at the OECD and consultant for the World Bank.
Bravo, David Senior Project Director BATLLEIROIGBravo, David Senior Project DirectorArchitect graduated at the Barcelona School of Architecture (ETSAB - UPC) in 2017 with honours. Currently Senior Project Director in Batlle i Roig Barcelona, leading the Middle East landscape projects. With a strong foundation in architecture, landscape architecture and urban strategies, involved in the spearhead our Middle East landscape projects. Previosly worked in London.
Breedlove, Elizabeth Head of Customer Experience BREEDLOVE CAREBreedlove, Elizabeth Head of Customer ExperienceMy day job is to work with Spain's largest & most innovative companies, to add the bit of Artificial Intelligence that provides conversational assistants to their business. I also volunteer as Founder/Treasurer of newly created Associación 50a50 (www.50a50.org) to bring gender diversity into the top echelons of Catalan businesses & institutions. Also on the Board of Calala - Women's Fund in BCN.
Bros Domper, Héctor Abogado CUATRECASASBros Domper, Héctor AbogadoManaging Partner in the office of Barcelona, with over 20 years of experience in the financial and banking sector; he has taken part in multiple financing operations.
Brossa Xicoy, Anna Vice President - Acquisition and Leveraged Finance J.P. MorganBrossa Xicoy, Anna Vice President - Acquisition and Leveraged FinanceI work at J.P. Morgan as an associate in the debt capital markets team covering corporate clients in Southern Europe. I joined J.P. Morgan London in 2014, having spent two years in the Natural Resources M&A team before joining my current team. I hold a Masters in International Finance from HEC Paris and a B.S. from ESADE Business School.
Brown, Marquis Managing Partner BENJAMIN FRANKLIN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOLBrown, Marquis Managing PartnerDigital product and growth strategist helping entrepreneurs, SMEs, and corporate innovation teams navigate the world of technology, product development, product led digital marketing, and digital culture to meet their business objectives.
Bru, Antoni Director Organització i Persones AGBARBru, Antoni Director Organització i PersonesGraduate in Law, postgraduate in MBA and Tax Consultancy and Management from ESADE. and Tax Management by ESADE. Specialist in tax planning in processes of reorganization of corporate groups, mergers reorganization processes, mergers, acquisitions and transfers of companies. acquisitions and transfers of companies. He has spent most of his career at Grup Agbar, where he is currently Director of organization and people.
Brufau Casajoanes, Ignasi Global Business Systems Lead SANDOZBrufau Casajoanes, Ignasi Global Business Systems LeadBusiness Excellence Program Manager for countries affiliated at Novartis. He has more than 10 years of experience in Pharma Supply Chain based in different European countries. He is actually based in Basel.
Brufau, Robert Director L'AuditoriBrumwell, Roger Jaume Founding Partner Brumwell BrokersBrumwell, Roger Jaume Founding PartnerFounding partner at TAX.es, a tax consultancy with more than 60 offices in Spain; and also a partner at Brumwell Brokers, founded by his father in 1979.
Brunner, Sandy Director, MSc Architect ETH STUDIO SBA - URBANVISORBrunner, Sandy Director, MSc Architect ETHSwiss Architect MSc ETH, since 2001 in BCN, work experience in Zürich, New Mexico, New York, Barcelona Founder www.sandybrunner.com + www.urbanvisor.com Researching neuroarchitecture + sustainability Background + network in real estate investments * Consulting for international companies and private investors in landing process * Architecture + Interior Design * Expertise on urban development
Brush, David CIO MerlinBrush, David CIOD. David Brush has over 30 years’ experience as a real estate professional. He started his career at Philadelphia National Bank in 1983 and moved to Bankers Trust (now part of Deutsche Bank) as a Vice President in 1987. During his 20-year tenure at Bankers Trust/Deutsche Bank Real Estate, Mr. Brush founded the Real Estate Opportunistic investing division, where he was a Global Head and CIO of the business for 13 years. During that time, he supervised the completion of over 150 transactions consisting of real estate acquisitions, equity investments, corporate recapitalisations and distressed loan portfolio acquisitions with an enterprise value in excess of $50.0 billion. Most recently, Mr. Brush served as Managing Partner at Brookfield Property Group, responsible for the firm’s real estate investing activities in Europe, where he closed the £500 million acquisition of Gazeley, a pan-European logistics company (2012). Mr. Brush holds a B.A. degree in Economics from the University of Pennsylvania and is a member of several real estate professional organisations.
Buesa, Isabel General Director ENDESABuesa, Isabel General DirectorBachelor and Master's Degree in Business Administration from ESADE Business School, Ramon Llull University, Barcelona.
Buetefisch, Timo CEO COOLTRABuetefisch, Timo CEOTimo Buetefisch worked as an Associate at Booz Allen Hamilton and was the Assistant to the CEO of Bertelsmann Spain. In 2006, he founded Cooltra in Barcelona, which has become the largest provider of sustainable two-wheeled mobility solutions in Europe.
Bufi, Eva CEO Ardana ConsultantsBufi, Eva CEOFounder and General Director of Ardana Consultants. Expert in public-private partnerships, structuring of investment projects and services and public procurement. Founder of the Specialist Center on PPPs in Smart and Sustainable Cities, an initiative of IESE and the United Nations. Founder of the association Knowurbannet.
Buisan, Pol Director of Asset Management MAPFREBuisan, Pol Director of Asset ManagementMajored in Economics, started my professional career at Mapfre in 2014. Nowadays I'm the Director of the Wealth Management Office of Barcelona. Experience in wealth management, client relations and management of sales teams. Deeply engaged with disruptive technology and its impact in society.
Bultó Carulla, Victor President, Innovative Medecines U.S. NOVARTIS PHARNA AGBultó Carulla, Victor President, Innovative Medecines U.S.Victor holds an M.B.A. from ESADE Business School, a Master’s Degree in health economics, a Post-graduate Degree in pharmaceutical marketing. He also completed the Advanced Management Program at Harvard Business School. He holds a B.S. in chemistry and a Master’s in chemical engineering both from Institut Quimic de Sarria.
Buzzi, Luis Partner, Management Consulting KPMGBuzzi, Luis Partner, Management ConsultingLuis has more than 27 years of experience in managing complex projects for leading multinational companies that approach environments of systems and functional integration. He is a business consultant with capacities in all aspects of a company, especially in financial, strategic and resources areas. Luis has led numerous companies of different sectors with its main focus on the energy sector and the companies Power & Utilities. Other areas to highlight in which Luis has experience are: Insurance, Fashion & Retail, Government and public administration, life sciences, and automotive. Possesses a deep knowledge of the industry in the field of Energy and Public Services because of its experience with companies such as Gas Natural Fenosa, Endesa, Iberdrola, EON, ENEL and A2A He is an expert in the counseling of senior executives in addition to CFOs at companies in multiple industries. He has specialized in the transformation and definition of business processes ensuring compliance of the objectives and creating a culture change in terms of its internal procedures. Has a wide experience in the definition of models of Management Control and has managed a variety of strategic projects focused on the transformation of finance divisions and corporate restructuring.
Caba Salvó , Jordi Director de Built to Rent y Desarrollo de Suelo SALASCaba Salvó , Jordi Director de Built to Rent y Desarrollo de SueloProfessional of the real estate sector with more than 15 years of experience. With a degree in statistics for the Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona and Master in Project Management for the Universidad Politecnica de Cataluña . His professional activity has always focused in integral management of real estate developments. He also owns an Executive MBA for EAE Business School.
Caballero Calzada, Laura Head Barcelona office & Digital Business Experience Director JLLCaballero Calzada, Laura Head Barcelona office & Digital Business Experience DirectorAs a result of my extensive experience at JLL in the areas of marketing, PR and research for over 15 years, with a broad cross-functional knowledge of the real estate industry, my main objective is to drive the growth and performance of the organization to higher levels.
Cabane, Rosario LaudecumCabarrocas Porqueras, Marc Empresario URBAN INPUTCabarrocas, Jordi CEO 1898Cabarrocas, Jordi CEOEntrepreneur in several sectors.
Cabedo Ruiz, Carla Directora Comms y Policy GLOVOCabedo Ruiz, Carla Directora Comms y PolicyShe holds a degree in Advertising and Public Relations from UPF and a Master in Corporate Communication from the Barcelona School of Management. After working for several years in communication agencies, she joined the company to manage communication in Spain and later joined the office of the Vice-President of the Community of Madrid.
Cabero Jounou, David General Manager Europe BICCabero Jounou, David General Manager Europe+22 years working for multinationals, the last 12 As General Manager in several countries. Currently General Manager Europe in BIC, with aprox 45 countries under my responsibility. Start-up investor, with 14 investments done mainly in Barcelona start-up ecosystem. Member of the Board of French Chamber of Commerce in Barcelona. 70% of my time spent travelling in Europe.
Cabreira Lovera, Neiva Lujan Co-Founder N.L. CommunicationCabreira Lovera, Neiva Lujan Co-FounderI was born in Paraguay in 1994. I came to Barcelona in 2018 to study and work. Lately I have established with other people a Marketing agency. I would like to develop this business and stay and live in Barcelona.
Cabutí Brull, Núria CEO Penguin Random House Grupo EditorialCabutí Brull, Núria CEONúria Cabutí was born in Barcelona and graduated in Economics from UAB. She holds a BA in Economic Studies from Oxford Brookes University and an MBA from IESE Business School. She began her career in the publishing sector in 1992 as a financial analyst and since then has developed her professional career within the publishing group. In 1998 she was appointed Marketing Director of Plaza & Janés. Following the merger that created Random House Mondadori in 2001, she was appointed Director of Marketing and Communications. In 2003 she assumed the position of Editorial Director for the children's and young adult division, later adding the management of Debolsillo to her duties. In 2010 she was appointed CEO and Managing Director of Random House Mondadori. Since 2013 she has been CEO and Managing Director of Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial and a member of the International Board of Penguin Random House.
Calabuig, Marc CEO International Cooking Concepts (ICC)Calsina Gomis, Joaquin Ingeniero trado alimentsCalvo Fernández, José Ramón Doctor and General Manager BSCCalvo, Jorge Profesor GLOBIS Business School TokyoCalvo, Jorge ProfesorIndependent Strategic Advisor, Professor and Author, with over 30 years’ professional experience in Europe and Japan in business transformation and digitalization. Deputy Dean and Faculty of Strategy, Disruptive Transformation, Industry 4.0, AI Robotics & Business, at GLOBIS School of Management, Tokyo. Executive in Residence, Professor, ESADE Business School Barcelona.
Calzada, Sonia Directora del Segmento Personas ZURICH INSURANCECambra, Josep Jordi President Reial Club de Tennis Barcelona-1899Cambra, Josep Jordi PresidentDoctor-dentist, by Hospital Clínic de Barcelona. Postgraduate in Periodontics Master in Medical and Dental Education, University of Southern California, President of the Association of Dental Clinics: Best Quality Dental Centers (2011 to present). Founder and medical director of Cambraclinic Dentistas. Tennis player since the age of 6, participating in all RCTB teams
Camí Morell, Jordi Director General PARC DE RECERCA BIOMÈDICA DE BARCELONA - PRBBCamí Morell, Jordi Director GeneralDoctor in Medicine and Professor of Pharmacology at the Pompeu Fabra University. Scientific researcher in neurosciences, firstly in drug addiction and now in cognition, memory and related diseases. He has also promoted various research centers and scientific programs’ initiatives.
Caminal, Josep General Director of Presidency Grupo GodóCampagne, Marie Head of Grow with SAP for Scaleups SAPCampagne, Marie Head of Grow with SAP for ScaleupsHead of Hypergrowth Companies EMEA South
Campañà, Salvador CFO AREASCampàs, Clara Partner Asabys PartnersCampàs, Clara PartnerAsabys Partners (Asabys) is a professional investment firm that works closely with entrepreneurs to build health and innovation companies with technologies and products designed to transform people’s lives and provides disruptive solutions to current health challenges. Asabys will be investing in early stage companies operating in healthcare innovation across the board.
Campo, Elies Fellow at Citizen Lab The Citizen LabCampo, Elies Fellow at Citizen LabElies Campo leads Growth, Partnerships and Business Development at Telegram Messenger. Prior to joining Telegram, he was part of the initial Growth and Business Development team at WhatsApp, before the Facebook acquisition.
Campos, Mónica Executive Director Teatre Nacional de CatalunyaCampos, Mónica Executive DirectorShe began her professional career as a lawyer in 1997 at Bufete Cabello after graduating in Law from the University of Barcelona. She joined the Teatre Nacional de Catalunya in 2006 as Director of Legal Services and Recruitment. Before assuming her current position as Executive Director of the entity in 2013, she was the manager of the TNC.
Camprubi Artal, Marc VP NACamprubi Artal, Marc VPMarc Camprubí Artal is a Vice President at Ceros Capital Markets. He is involved in all aspects of the business with a focus on legal affairs and international business development.
Camprubí Pascual, Alicia Operations Head AdSalutem Institute for Healthy SleepCamprubí Pascual, Alicia Operations HeadI studied Business Administration and Management at ESADE Business School. I did a Graduate Program of years at Mahou San Miguel, and then I grew as responsible for Management Control of the New Business unit. In 2020 I launched my own project "Baby Voltereta", focused on birth gifts and sustainable toys. In 2022 I joined the Adsalutem team as Operations Director.
Cañado Fernandez, Xavier Director of Institutions, Catalonia SANTANDERCanales Hinojosa, Oscar Advanced Analytics & Economics Canales Hinojosa, Oscar Advanced Analytics & EconomicsEngineer in the Management of ICT and Msc. in Data Science. Oscar Canales, is an Advanced Analytics & Economics Consultant at Deloitte. Passionate about innovation, investing and sports.
Canals, Jordi Professor of Economics and Strategic Management IESE BUSINESS SCHOOLCancio García , Vicente DIRECTOR GENERAL ZURICH INSURANCECancio García , Vicente DIRECTOR GENERALVicente holds a Degree in Law as well as a Master in Business Administration. He finished the General Management Program at Wharton Business School in 2012. He started in Zurich in Claims (89-93) and after differents positions he became the CEO for Global Corporate Spain (2010-2014) He was also Chief of Staff Officer for LATAM and, since Nov. 1 2015, he is appointed as a Country CEO for Spain.
Cantarell, Luis Board Member Uriach/Christian HansenCantarell, Luis Board MemberChairman of Froneri Ldt and former Executive Vice-President and EMENA Zone Director for Nestlé Health Sciences SA, in Lausanne. He has also been in charge of the Swiss company’s operations in America and Europe and he is on the boards of companies linked to the nutrition and health sectors.
Capdevila, Joan Director oficina VINCES CONSULTINGCapdevila, Mireia Manager DELOITTECapdevila, Mireia ManagerI was born in Barcelona, and after spending my school years in Girona, I returned to Barcelona to study Industrial Engineering in the UPC. After graduation, I began a double master's degree in Engineering while starting an internship at Deloitte Consulting. Since then, in 2015, I've been carrying out strategy and operation projects in the public sector.
Capellades, Xavier CEO PARLEM TELECOMCapellades, Xavier CEOSenior digital business executive with wide experience in innovation, digital transformation and launching new products and business lines in big corporations and startups. Board Member at Barcelona Tech City, Member of the Advisory Board at mVenturesBCN (Mobile World Capital), mentor at StartupBootCamp Internet of Things & Data and Innovation & Intellectual Property Professor at UOC.
Caputi Rizzo, Achille Francesco director SOFONISBA,SLCaralps, Pablo General Manager Bcn BrandCarandell Saladich, Blai Partner NOBACarandell Saladich, Blai PartnerBlai Carandell is partner in NOBA, an innovation study that helps corporates accelerate the launch of new products and services through business prototyping. He is also co-founder of Musicotec, an audiovisual rental platform with more than 30,000 active users. He has a Master in International Relations by IBEI and a Degree in economics by UPF.
Carasso, Andrés Director in Catalonia IberdrolaCarballido Herrera, José Manuel Executive Director Novartis Institutes for Biomedical ResearchCarballido Herrera, José Manuel Executive DirectorJosé M. Carballido Herrera grew up and began his education and professional activities in Barcelona; studying Biology while working in a bank. Since 1987, he is engaged in Immunology Research; living abroad and always in contact with Barcelona, where he travels regularly to seek inspiration and spark creativity.
Carbonell Santacana, Ramon President AUSACarbonell Santacana, Ramon PresidentChairman of the Board of Trustees of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and the president of FemCAT, a private foundation of business people in Catalonia whose purpose is to pursue and encourage initiatives that 17an17ia the progress of Catalan society.
Cardona, Miquel Executive Partner Oriental Retail Ventures, SLCardona, Miquel Executive PartnerI was born in Barcelona 40 years ago. Since a child I was exposed to international experiences and languages. I am an open minded person and my secret power is opening doors and building long lasting relationships. Studying Chinese at the early age of 18 years old brought me to China in 2005 when China was "the factory of the world". I had an Asian adventure for 9 years, going back to Mainland in 2011.
Carli, Paola Comunicación y Marketing Vortech PCI GroupCarli, Paola Comunicación y MarketingCaro Dugo, Paco Presidente EQUIPO SINGULAR SLCaro Dugo, Paco PresidenteChairman and Founding Partner, Equipo Singular. He also is 17an17ializ in the Marketing Department in EADA Business School in Barcelona. He was the Chief Commercial Officer, NH Hoteles (1994-1995).
Carol Vallès, Guillem CEO The new Barcelona PostCarol Vallès, Guillem CEOGuillem Carol is founder/director of MustMedia Group, the communication group that integrates the agency Giny Comunicació, the production company Incís Films, the consulting firm Platea Consultants and the newspaper The New Barcelona Post, where he is also the editor. He has been a member of several entities in Barcelona. He is currently patron of the Friends of MNAC Foundation. He also makes wine (still and sparkling) at Cellers Carol Vallès.
Carol, Màrius Director of La Vanguardia Grupo GodóCarrasco, Javier CONSEJERO DELEGADO GRUP PERALADACarrera Crespo, Esther Sr Executive Director MICHAEL PAGECarrera Crespo, Esther Sr Executive DirectorIndustrial engineer by UPC, PDD by IESE, more than 20 years of professional experience, 4 years as project engineer in Oreal Germany, 1 year as Commercial Director in Privalia, 15 years in Page Group, currently as Executive Director of the Barcelona office.
Carreras Fisas, Manuel President MACARFICarretero, Rosa Direcció de Producció Museogràfica i Relacions Institucionals Stoneweg Places & ExperiencesCarretero, Rosa Direcció de Producció Museogràfica i Relacions InstitucionalsManagement of museum productions and institutional relations. Design, production and realization of large scale exhibitions, museums, interpretation centers and other interventions in other interventions in cultural and/or tourist heritage. And a proven experience in the field of institutional relations, within the specialty of culture. More than 24 years of experience in management, leadership and team management.
Carro De Prada, Fernando CEO Bayer 04 LeverkusenCarro De Prada, Fernando CEOMember of the Global Executive Committee of Bertelsmann, President of Bertelsmann Spain and CEO of Arvato. He studied Industrial Engineering in Karlsruhe. Between 1982 and 1993 he also worked as a freelance sports journalist for newspapers in Spain, Austria, and Germany.
Carulla Font, Artur EMPRESARI AgrolimenCarulla Font, Artur EMPRESARIArtur Carulla is the president of Agrolimen and a board member of Repsol.
Casadellà Caballeria, Andreu CEO Improfit.aiCasadellà Caballeria, Andreu CEOPartner and General Manager of TomTom Telematics, in Mexico City. He has wide experience as an entrepreneur with innovative companies in the fields of e-commerce and mobile marketing. He is member of Antai Business Angels and a partner of different companies such as Fancybox, Clickonero, Coordina México, Catval and Inspira Yoga.
Casado, Alfonso Director de Inversiones PROEMIOCasado, Alfonso Director de InversionesHolds an MBA from IESE, as well as a Bachelor degree in Business Administration in the University of Barcelona. He is currently the Investment Director of Proemio, family-owned company specialized in real estate assets (business parks, offices, residential and retail). He has previous experience as senior consultant, Europraxis (Indra Group), and as private banker at Morgan Stanley.
Casals, Manel General Director GREMI D'HOTELS DE BARCELONACasanova, Bernat Co-Founder BeContentGroupCasanova, Bernat Co-FounderBorn in Barcelona and resident in the United States since 2010. Bachelor in Audiovisual Communication from URL and Master in Media Management from the New School in NYC. Co-founder of Be Content Group, an agency specialized in digital marketing focused on the Latin American market, mainly Mexico. Interested in technology, politics, international affairs and Barça.
Casanovas Matheu, Ramon Director d'Urbanisme CULMIACasanovas Matheu, Ramon Director d'UrbanismeArchitect by the UPC. He joined CULMIA in 2020 as Head of Coordination and Urban Planning Strategy and since 03/2022 he is the Director of Urban Planning. Previously he was Delegate of Land in SDIN, (2018-2020) in Solvia (2009-2018) and Coperfil Real Estate Group (2007-2009). He has a track record of more than 15 years of experience in the real estate sector.
Casanovas, David General Director of the Sport newspaper Prensa IbericaCasas Aljama, Chema Director General TELEFONICACasas Aljama, Chema Director GeneralGraduated in Physical Sciences from the UAB, he also holds an MBA from IESE and doctoral studies in Applied Economics at the University of Navarra. Between 1995 and 2002 he developed his professional career in commercial and marketing areas of various consultancies (Europraxis, Andersen Consulting) and Banco Santander. He joined the Telefónica Group in 2002 as Marketing and Sales Director of Terra España. In 2004 he moved to Latin America as Director of Sales for Telefónica Argentina, and in 2009 he assumed the position of Vice President of Marketing and Sales for Telefónica Colombia. In 2013 he became CEO of Telefónica in Ecuador. He is, since January 2020, CEO of Telefónica in Cataluña, Comunidad Valenciana, Islas Baleares and Murcia.
Casas Esplugas, Carles Director Planificació Estratègica i ASG FERROCARRILS DE LA GENERALITAT DE CATALUNYACasas Esplugas, Carles Director Planificació Estratègica i ASGPhD - Civil Engineer, Director of Strategic Planning and Prospective in charge of international benchmarking, strategic business analysis and the "Agenda 2030" Chairman of the UIC - Toprail group. Part time lecturer at UPC and author of several papers and more than 30 communications to conferences
Casas Huguet, Miquel CEO MIMEISACasas Huguet, Miquel CEOValue Investor. Currently working as Real Estate Associate in Family Office.
Casas, Jordi Advocat OSBORNE CLARKECasas, Jordi AdvocatGraduated from the Univeristy of Barcelona with a law degree in 1992. He also studied in the USA, France and Belgium. He specializes in mergers and acquisitions. He has been a lecturer in corporate law in Barcelona’s Pompeu Fabra University for 14 years. He is regularly listed in Chambers, Legal 500 and Best Lawyers.
Casas, Juan Carlos Founder Gamo USA CorporationCasas, Juan Carlos FounderFounder of Gamo USA Corporation in 1994 and BSA Optics Inc. in 1997 as a wholly owned subsidiary of SA Industrias El Gamo. He is based in Miami and is actively involved in the sporting goods industry.
Casas, Laia Secretaria General Cataluña ESICCasas, Laia Secretaria General CataluñaGraduated in Marketing, she started at Born&Ribera and in 2011 became part of the support team of the Instituto Superior de Marketing's General Management, later integrated into ESIC. In 2016 she was appointed Secretary General of ESIC in Catalonia, from where the general services depend: finance, HR, legal, communication and institutional relations. She is a member of the Executive Committee of ESIC.
Casile, Damiana Senior HRBP TRAVELPERKCasile, Damiana Senior HRBPOriginally from Milan, I studied/worked in the UK for nearly 15 years. I started my career in HR for tech companies & I was headhunted in 2021 by both Glovo + TravelPerk. In 2017 with Booking.com and Rentalcars.com I was responsible for opening a contact centre in Diagonal Mar and since then I had the dream to one day relocate here. My dream came true in April 2022 and I haven't looked back since
Castañer Folch, Xavier Professor of Strategy University of Lausanne - UNILCastañer Folch, Xavier Professor of StrategyXavier was born in Barcelona, got his BA and MBA at ESADE, did his PhD at the University of Minnesota, has been faculty at ESADE, HEC Paris, LBS, Technion and UCSC and is Professor of Strategy at the Université de Lausanne. He does research & teaches on corporate governance & strategy, org design, innovation & arts management. He is VP of external relations of European Academy of Management
Castanys Tutzó, Mireia Directora d'Operacions i Relacions Institucionals CAIXARESEARCH INSTITUTECastella Casas, Nacho CEO CAT REAL ESTATE SLCastella Casas, Nacho CEO2003-2019: CAT REAL ESTATE SL - Founder and Managing Partner of the company in Barcelona. 2001-2003: LANDSCAPE SA (Banco Sabadell Real Estate Group) - Commercial director of the real estate assets of the Banco Sabadell Group. 1998-2001 BUSQUETS GALVEZ SL - Commercial Director
Castella, Xavier Socio Director NEXE THE WAY OF CHANGECastella, Xavier Socio DirectorPartner and CEO with experience in business and people consulting, in Spain & Mexico. Knowledge in Transformation, Customer Experience, Change Management, Business Development, Marketing, Strategy and People Development. Multi-sector vision, with focus on retail, auto, B2B, telecommunications, public administrations and the services sector. I have been a member of different Boards of Directors.
Castellnou, Josep Regional Manager Mexico Catalonia Hotels & ResortsCastellnou, Josep Regional Manager MexicoOriginally from Hospitalet del Infant (Tarragona). I have a Diploma in Administration and Management of Tourism Companies and I have been developing my professional activity around the hotel sector, where I have been working in several countries such as France, Germany, England, Mexico and the Dominican Republic.
Castells, Sílvia Cap de comunicació FUNDACIO PRIVADA HOSPITAL DE LA SANTA CREU I SANT PAUCastelltort Mikkelsen, Albert Consultant BAIN & COMPANYCastelltort Mikkelsen, Albert ConsultantAs the Founder and Managing Partner of First Venturing I grew the boutique consulting and training firm focused on corporate innovation to a full-time team of three and a network of 100+ collaborators employed on a per-project-basis by serving customers in Spain, Italy, France and Germany. First Venturing has achieved to design and implement the highest valued training programs in a company’s history in four different organizations.
Castellvi, Joaquin Founder partner and Head of European Acquisitions STONEWEGCastellvi, Joaquin Founder partner and Head of European AcquisitionsJoaquin Castellvi is a former transaction manager with major consultancy firms, investment banks and developers. he was directly involved in transactions totalizing over $ 6.0 billion. Mr Castellvi holds a Master’s Degree from University of Barcelona and an MBA from Ramon Llull University
Castelo Heymann, Santiago Director adjunto ideogramaCastelo Heymann, Santiago Director adjuntoCommunication consultant and country manager at ideograma. Degree in Political Science from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) and Master in Political and Corporate Communication from the University of Navarra (UNAV). PhD student in Communication at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF).
Castilla Sánchez, Luis Director of Highways Division and City Center AREASCastillo, Candida Fundraising department. Alianzas corporativas HOSPITAL SANT JOAN DE DÉUCatà Sala, Aurora Vicepresidenta AC37 EventCatà Sala, Aurora VicepresidentaShe started her professional career in the financial world, first in Bank of America and after as Chief Financial Officer in Nissan Motor Ibérica. She then took over the management of RTVE Catalunya. She then held the position of CEO of Planeta 2010, head of the audiovisual and media business of Grupo Planeta. Later on, she launched a startup in the digital content field. And in 2003, she joined Grupo Recoletos as General Manager of the audiovisual and non-daily press business. Between 2008 and 2020 she has been Partner at Seeliger y Conde. She is currently President of Barcelona Global an Independent Director of Banco Sabadell and Repsol. She is also member of the Trustee Board of Cellnex Foundation, member of the Advisory Committee of Adevinta (Schibsted Group) and member of the Executive Committee of IESE Alumni. She is an industrial engineer by the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, and MBA and a PADE from IESE. She has participated in the Mentoring Program of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
Cauhe, Bet Senior Manager FLARECauhe, Bet Senior ManagerBet Cauhe, an Aeronautical Engineer from Barcelona, works on consulting projects worldwide, specializing in air transport and infrastructure development. With a strong commitment to creating social impact, Bet brings expertise in shaping global aviation and transportation initiatives, contributing to sustainable growth and community-focused progress.
Cerqueda Diez, Manel Board Member ANDBANKCerqueda Diez, Manel Board MemberMember of the Board of Directors of the Andbank group. Degree in Business Administration by the Faculty of Economics IQS, Master in audit and management development by Pompeu Fabra University and Executive MBA by IESE Business School. I worked at Deloitte Spain as a senior auditor and at a venture capital fund in Luxembourg before joining the family patrimonial.
Cerqueda Donadeu, Manel President ANDBANKCerqueda Donadeu, Manel PresidentIn 2001 he assumed the Presidency of Andorra Banc Agrícol Reig, S.A. (Andbank). He is a member of the Board of Directors and/or Chairman of various companies in different economic sectors (tourism and hotels, real estate, finance, insurance, import and export, department stores, electricity, transport, etc.).
Chamorro, Albert CEO V2 GROUPChamorro, Albert CEOI lead V2 Group, a company that offers 3D printing solutions in the marine and shipbuilding sector.
Chaqués, Chema Managing Partner AttitudChaqués, Chema Managing PartnerTelecommunications Engineer, International MBA, PADE IESE, PhD in innovation in Talent. 25 years of experience in Projects, Management, Leadership and Direction of first-rate multinationals, family companies and businesses as an entrepreneur. Manager in multiple sectors, highlighting Consulting and Services, Information and Communication Technologies in competitive environments.
Chatard, Pierre-Arthur CEO CHATARD CONSEILChatard, Pierre-Arthur CEOCEO of Chatard Conseil a Consulting Boutique based in France & Barcelona Chatarad Conseil help CEOs to launch, accelerate, and improve their company throughout 3 activities: (i) Business Coaching in Executive Academic Programmes (Goldman Sachs Foundation, IESE) (ii) Operation & Strategy Consulting (Private Equity Funds, SMEs) (iii) Investment & Board Member responsibilities of SME companies
Chiazza, Stefano Track Aerodynamics Performance FerrariChiazza, Stefano Track Aerodynamics PerformanceSince 2014, part of Ferrari’s Formula 1 team and currently focusing on trackside aerodynamic performance. Prior to this, I completed research work in fluid dynamics and manta ray swimming at Princeton University. I hold degrees in Aerospace Engineering from both UPC (Barcelona) and Supaéro (Toulouse).
Chimeno, Jose Gabriel Director Investidor privadoChimeno, Jose Gabriel DirectorDeloitte Alumni Partner, José-Gabriel Chimeno was the head of the Corporate Finance division in Portugal, from 1996 until his recent retirement, leading professional teams in Lisbon, Porto and Angola. At present collaborates with different institutions in a non-executive role and keeps several investments in startups as a business angel investor.
Chong, Rose Personal Growth Facilitator AUTONOMOChong, Rose Personal Growth FacilitatorBorn in Borneo, Malaysia. Studied in Malaysia, Singapore and Australia. Worked in global positions throughout 23 years in Deutsche Bank with assignments in various countries. Finally settling in Barcelona. Embarked on a new journey as a self-employed Personal Growth Facilitator. Other engagements include as trustees in an NGO. Love metaphysics, sports, opera and gastronomy.
Chugani , Jyoti CEO and Creator BBCiria Espinosa, Paula New Business Project Manager FGC Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de CatalunyaCiria Espinosa, Paula New Business Project ManagerI am a Civil Engineer by training and a curious person passionate about mobility and territorial engineering. I am also Studying Data Science. Through my experience at FGC, a railway company, I have had the opportunity to implement several projects related to development and promotion of railways, as well as digitalization and sustainability. Always seeking the next challenge!
Ciurana, David Founder and Managing Partner Fosca FilmsCiurana, David Founder and Managing PartnerAudiovisual Producer. Founder and Managing Partner of Fosca Films, a content creation and production company that develops films and media. Founder and Partner of Playtheatres a online video on demand platform specialized in performing arts.
Civit, Niki Business Operations Lead HeadwayCivit, Niki Business Operations LeadCreating access to affordable mental healthcare at Headway. Previously, consultant at GEP Worldwide. Graduated from the Dual Degree Program between Columbia University and Sciences Po Paris in Economics and Political Sciences.
Clará, Rosa President & Owner Rosa Clará GroupClará, Rosa President & OwnerBusinesswoman and fashion designer, specialized in the bridal field. She founded the company in 1995 and has managed to turn it into a holding company with 3 centers of activity in Spain and subsidiaries in the USA, Brazil, Mexico, Canada, Portugal, France and Germany, from where it manages the production and distribution of its 16 bridal collections and 4 party collections to 82 countries and more than 4,000 points of sale.
Clark, Greg Group Advisor, Future Cities & New Industries HSBC GroupClark, Greg Group Advisor, Future Cities & New IndustriesGlobal Advisor and Chairman of The Business of Cities in London. He also acts as a Global Fellow at Brookings Institution, Senior Fellow at the Urban Land Institute, and Chairman of the OECD Local Development Forum. Moreover, he chairs global summits and gatherings.
Clave, Salvador Chief Operating Officer (COO) TauriClave, Salvador Chief Operating Officer (COO)Over 25 years of international experience as executive in leading international technology companies (mainly Hyprotech, Aspentech and Aucerna) serving the energy industry. Currently based in London (UK), I have spent multiple years living in Canada, Barcelona and Germany. Born and raised in Barcelona, “my city” has been always center to me.
Clavero, Carlos Investigador INSTITUTO DYMClement, Helena Directora de Martketing NIKEClement, Helena Directora de Martketing15+ years working in marketing, mainly in international brands, 11 at Nike. Currently, Nike Barcelona Brand Marketing Director. I am a curious, passionate, social, creative and optimistic professional that enjoys leading teams and unleashing their full potential, achieving results that have a positive impact, where we all win.
Clemente Orregos, Ismael CEO Merlin PropertiesClemente Orregos, Ismael CEOProfessional of the real estate sector with more than 20 years of experience. He has worked in Garrigues, Bankers Trust REIB, DB Real Estate and RREEF, as General Manager. During this period, he has participated in transactions with a total volume of approximately 5,000 million euros in all types of real estate assets. These include the sale and leaseback of the Tree portfolio, the largest real estate transaction in Europe in 2009. During his time at RREEF, he was responsible for a team with a portfolio of assets in excess of 3,000 million euros. This team also constituted seven investment vehicles of which two are still active, with a size of approximately 500 million euros, belonging to private clients and family offices. Since Merlin's IPO, he has led two of the sector's largest operations in Spain, the acquisition of Testa and the agreement to integrate Metrovacesa, two operations that have led Merlin Properties to become a leading real estate company in Spain with assets worth more than 10,000 million euros and gross annual income of 465 million euros from rentals.
Clos Matheu, Joan Private Consultant PRESIDENT ASVALClos Matheu, Joan Private ConsultantDr. Joan Clos is the former Executive Director of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), at the level of Under Secretary General by the United Nations General Assembly. He held this office from October 2010-December 2017. During his mandate, Dr. Clos led the process of elaboration of the New Urban Agenda, and he was appointed Secretary-General of the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III). Born in Barcelona on 29 June 1949, he is a medical doctor with a distinguished career in public service and diplomacy. He was twice elected Mayor of Barcelona, serving two terms from 1997 until 2006. He was Minister of Industry, Tourism, and Trade of Spain between 2006 and 2008. This ministerial function included the Spanish Energy portfolio. Prior to joining the United Nations, he served as the Spanish Ambassador to Turkey and Azerbaijan. He is a medicine graduate from the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB), and specialized in Public Health and Epidemiology at the University of Edinburgh (Scotland). Dr. Joan Clos then joined the Barcelona Municipal Government as the Director of Public Health in 1979. Elected as a city councilman between 1983 and 1987, he earned a reputation for improving municipal management and for urban renewal projects, notably managing the renovation of downtown Barcelona’s Ciutat Vella district.
Clos, Joaquim General Manager DERBY HOTELSClos, Joaquim General ManagerJoaquim Clos holds a Diploma in Tourism from ESADE and a degree in Finance from IESE. Born in Barcelona, he is General Manager of Derby Hotels Collection. He has 23 establishments including the firm Barcelona Apartment. Spaces where art, culture, gastronomy and luxury are presented to the client as a unique experience in the centre of Barcelona, Madrid, London and Paris.
Closa Hernández, Alejandro DIRECTOR GENERAL CLOSA CORREDURIA DE SEGUROSClosa Hernández, Alejandro DIRECTOR GENERALExecutive Director in a professional services company focused on advising and managing insurance products.
Cobo, Guillermo Ingeniero de Producción FacebookCobo, Guillermo Ingeniero de ProducciónI am a Telecommunications Engineer from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, with experience abroad (Australia), on a research project in new technologies. Nowadays I work at Deloitte, in the Fraud and Financial Crime department as an analyst. Despite being at the beginning of my professional career, I consider myself a very ambitious person with big goals.
Coco, Maria Legal and Policy Specialist & Investigations Team Leader United Nations (UN)Coco, Maria Legal and Policy Specialist & Investigations Team LeaderConsultant at the United Nations in New York. She obtained her degree in Law at Esade and worked for several years as a criminal lawyer in Barcelona. In 2014 she moved to the US to pursue a Master’s degree in Public Policy at NYU and an internship at the UN. After, she worked as a Risk and Forensic Analyst at Interpublic Group of Companies.
Coello Brufau, Joaquim Presidente ASOPORTCoello Brufau, Joaquim PresidenteAPPLUS Former President and board member of several industrial companies. He was President of the Port of Barcelona and was also the second President of Barcelona Global. He was elected Honorary President of Barcelona Global in June 2014.
Coenen, Gerard Head of ESG DIGINEXCoenen, Gerard Head of ESGGerard founded a social business consulting startup and built a background in strategic consulting at PwC. Now he works as the Global Head of ESG at Diginex, where he helps corporations to better manage and report ESG data. He is passionate about sustainability, education and entrepreneurship. Fluent in five languages, has lived across Europe and looks forward to contribute to Barcelona Global!
Colas, Ferran Vice President and Partner Silfer Gestió, SLCole, Brooks CEO HOLO BARCELONACole, Brooks CEO**Four decades experience: CEO, CMO, Technology Inventor, Philosopher, Visionary, Transformational Leader** **Founder and CEO OF HOLO, L.L.C.** Developing ****an AI-powered "inner spatial web" consciousness engine for the optimal future of energy, cities and civilization. **Chief Marketing Officer of ConsensusPower:** the P2P Renewable Energy Trading Platform that provides Community-Led Access
Coll Sanchez, Irene Gestora de Captación de fondos Vall d´Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO)Coll Sanchez, Irene Gestora de Captación de fondosI have been involved in fundraising for companies for more than six years. Today, I am part of the Communication Department of Vall d'Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO) where I work as Fundraising Manager. My goal is to be able to transfer the great work of VHIO to society and obtain more resources for cancer research.
Collado, Alba VR & AR Account Manager GRUP MEDIAPROCollado, Alba VR & AR Account ManagerMy name is Alba Collado and I am currently leading projects related to latest technologies from Mediapro with clients like Apple and Cupra. I studied Business Administration and a master of Innovation & Entrepreneurship. My main source of inspiration is music. In my free time, I either go to the mountain and hike or join some friends for a salsa meet up.
Collado, Albert Abogado GARRIGUESColmenero, Albert COO - Kompyte Unit SEMRUSHColmenero, Albert COO - Kompyte UnitIn 2006, cofounded my first company: Cocosoft Barcelona, and launched several Internet platforms for business, now, every day, hundreds of companies and thousands of users are using those tools. In 2014 cofounded Kompyte, a competitor tracking that enables Sales teams to win more deals In 2022 we got acquired by Semrush (NYSE: SEMR) and now I'm the COO & CPO of the Kompyte Unit
Colomar Rocher, Sonia Directora Territorial BANCO SANTANDERColomar Rocher, Sonia Directora TerritorialTerritorial Director of Banco Santander in Catalonia. Degree in Economics from the University of Valencia. With more than 25 years of experience in the financial sector, she has held several executive positions in the bank.
Colonques, Elisa Directora de Relaciones Externas y Protocolo BANCO SABADELLComaposada, Laia Senior Investment Promotion Manager BARCELONA & PARTNERSComas, Pol Strategy Director ADEVINTAComas, Pol Strategy DirectorI have 8 years of experience working in top tier consulting teams assisting with projects in Technology, Energy and Travel industries. My last professional experience was a leadership position to scale the fastest-growing hospitality chain globally in Spain and Germany. I also hold an MBA from IESE Business School.
Comella, Adrià Director Gerent Fundació de Gestió Sanitària de L'Hospital Santa Creu I Sant PauComella, Adrià Director GerentGraduate in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Lleida and Master in Business Administration (MBA) at ESADE. He has been the Director of the Catalan Health Service for the last three years. He has developed his professional career in the scopes of graduate teaching, health, the private business, and the public sector, from where he will direct the closure of the Barcelona Model prison.
Comerma Carbonell, Xavier Director General Adjunt / Director Territorial de Catalunya BANC SABADELLConca, Merche Founding Partner Architect BCA Blanch+Conca arquitecturaConde Moller, Luis President Seeliger & CondeConde Moller, Luis PresidentManaging director of Seeliger & Conde, a company 22an22ialized in head hunting. Member of the board at Fira de Barcelona and president of Saló Nàutic, the boat show.
Conesa Pagès, Mercè CEO BARCELONA GLOBALConesa Pagès, Mercè CEODegree in Law from the UAB and specialized in Administrative Law and Urban Planning and Infrastructure Management. Master's degree in Public Management from the UPF, she studied an Innovation Program in Public Policies at ESADE in 1999 and completed the PADE from the IESE in 2020. She has been a member of the board of: Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya, Túnels de Vallvidrera (TABASA), Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya and she has participated in the Board of Directors of several public housing societies. She was mayor of Sant Cugat del Vallès from 2010 to 2018 and president of the Diputació de Barcelona from 2015 to 2018. She returned to infrastructure management in 2018 by assuming the executive presidency of the Port of Barcelona, promoting the electrification of the docks and the program Smart Ports Piers of the Future. In 2021 she assumed the general direction of the Institut Català del Sòl until November 2022 when he assumes the direction of Barcelona Global.
Conesa, Pilar President ANTEVERTIConesa, Pilar PresidentPilar Conesa, a Smart City pioneer, is the President of Anteverti and the Curator of the Smart City Expo World Congress — the world’s leading event on urban innovation. With over 30 years of experience in senior management roles within ICT companies and public organizations, she has served as CIO for the Barcelona City Council and as General Director of Public Sector and Health at T-Systems. She is also the President of the Business Council of Barcelona BITHabitat and a member of the Board of Trustees of EADA Business School, the Supervisory Board of Barcelona Global, and the General Council of Barcelona’s Museum of Contemporary Art. A regular keynote speaker, Pilar has been selected as a jury member for several international awards. She is also the first woman to receive the honorary prize at La Nit de les Telecomunicacions i la Informàtica of Catalonia.
Cònsul Espona, Mar Growth THESHAKERSLABCool, Christine Manager Cool ConsultingCool, Christine ManagerWith 26 years of dynamic international experience, I am a seasoned professional in the Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) sector. I have successfully managed the start-up and global expansion of renowned FMCG brands, showcasing my strategic acumen and entrepreneurial spirit. My journey includes a pivotal role in establishing a profitable business unit within one of the world’s largest candy multin
Cordon, Agusti CEO Anantara VenturesCordon, Agusti CEOHe is CEO of Anantara Ventures (Research disruptive innovation, investment, business models transformation and design of new impacting initiatives). As a high executive has developed his professional career with national and international responsibilities at consumer good products companies like Anheuser Busch, Earthgrains and Sara Lee, and also in Fira Barcelona, Mobile World Capital, and Grupo Zeta. He is also advisor of diverse companies and sectors: Oaktree Capital, Simon, EPI Industries and he run projects with other companies in different sectors like utilities, chemical,…etc. Also board member at Fira de Barcelona, AED (Spanish Association of Directors), APD (Asociación para el Progreso de la Dirección), RACC (Real Automòbil Club Catalunya), and others. Bachelor of Economic and Business Sciences (UB), PADE by IESE, PADE by CCL and participant of the Global CEO Program by The Wharton School & CEIBS (Shanghai) & IESE Business School (Sao Paulo).
Córdova Almansa, Jorge Socio VINCES CONSULTINGCornejo, Javier CEO Cornex CapitalCorredor, Ignacio Partner and Chairman of the Advisory Board BEBARTLETCorredor, Ignacio Partner and Chairman of the Advisory BoardPartner and Chairman of the Advisory Board of beBartlet. I advise national and international companies and organizations to participate in public life. Political scientist. Analyst of laSexta and Cadena SER. I have been advisor to the Spanish Government with the Minister of Territorial Policy and Public Function or in the Organizing Committee of the World Climate Summit COP25, as well as senior consultant at LLYC.
Cossar, Eric Founder CLEANSCALECossar, Eric FounderHello, my name is Eric Cossar, I am 20 years old, and I have been living in Barcelona for two months. I have a degree in Economics and Management, and I am passionate about marketing and the fight against global warming. I hope to contribute to your organization with my enthusiasm and ambitious vision.
Costa Calsamiglia, Guim Degà Col·legi d'Arquitectes de CatalunyaCosta Calsamiglia, Guim DegàGuim Costa Calsamiglia (Barcelona, 1968) is an architect by the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (ETSAB). He has worked in the offices of Pepe Llinàs and Ignasi de Solà-Morales and currently in his studio Costa Calsamiglia Arquitecto al Distrito 22@. His professional career includes projects in the field of architecture and urbanism, as well as furniture design.
Costa Centena, Joaquin CEO Profit Center FREIXENETCosta-Miralles, David EMEAL Head of Business Development NTT DATA Europe & LATAMCosta-Miralles, David EMEAL Head of Business DevelopmentMoved to everis uk as a CEO. Now appointed as EMEAL Head of Business Development
Craen, Carl Vice-President & Managing Director EUROPEAN COLLEGE-EC BUSINESS SCHOOLCraen, Carl Vice-President & Managing DirectorVice-President & Managing Director of EU Business School, Carl has more than 15 years experience in pioneering business education. A strong believer in the role that education plays in shaping the leaders of tomorrow. Carl is an entrepreneur, innovator and proactive manager.
Creuheras Margenat, Josep Presidente Grupo PlanetaCreus, Javi Founder IDEAS FOR CHANGECruylles, Alex manager NTT DATACruylles, Alex managerI am an energetic, motivated, empathetic, orderly and entrepreneurial young man from Barcelona. I have a background in engineering and business and I am currently pursuing an executive master's degree in entrepreneurship, digital and e-commerce at ISDI. I like to carry out things in all types of sectors, I like to promote and bring to reality projects with an economic or social impact and in the events, IT, digital and other sectors.
Cuatrecasas , Emilio President EMESACuatrecasas , Emilio PresidentFormer president of Cuatrecasas Gonçalves Pereira, the second largest law firm in Spain. He is also former president of Areas. From May 2012 until June 2014 he was president of Barcelona Global, and now is Honorary President.
Cuatrecasas, Ines Ceo EMESACuatrecasas, Ines CeoInés Cuatrecasas is the executive Vice-president of Emesa Corporación Empresarial. She is a graduate of ESDI Design School in Barcelona. She began her career in Privalia (Part of Veepee) as a Production director. In 2009 she co-founded the clothing company Mille Collines in East Africa. She has been the CEO of the brand until 2019. She is now President of the Board of directors. In 2011 she was awarded with the young social entrepreneurship award by Universidad Europea of Madrid and in 2012 by the YAN fellowship for social entrepreneurs in the US. Inés was a Panelist at the Retail Congress of Africa held in Johannesburg as well as at APD held in Barcelona, III Forum for Emerging Markets. In 2020 she joined Emesa Corporación Empresarial, where she also serves as a member of the board of directors of several Emesa’s portfolio companies, including Elior Group.
Cuatrecasas, Marta Empresaria KAWAKANCuatrecasas, Marta EmpresariaGeneral Manager of Áreas in Los Angeles. She holds a MBA from IESE Business School and Journalism Degree from University Ramon Llull. She has worked as an editor at La Vanguardia and Director of Oerreeme.
Cunillera, Ivan Director General Hotel Catalonia Santo Domingo Catalonia Hotels & ResortsCunillera, Ivan Director General Hotel Catalonia Santo DomingoHospitality and Tourism Studies and 2 years living in Portland (USA) where he worked in different hotels and restaurants Experience in many restaurants and hotels in Catalonia. 6 years at the Hotel Arts Barcelona (Ritz-Carlton) occupying management positions in the Food and Beverage division. And since 1998 (21 years) working in Dominican R. with Catalonia Hotels. Openings of all hotels.
Cura, Maria Partner and General Director Llorente & CuencaCurt Santpera, Rosa Director Fundació Empreses IQSCurt Santpera, Rosa DirectorFundació Empreses IQS Director.
D'auvigny, Stéphanie Co-founder COMELISE SLD'auvigny, Stéphanie Co-founderWith more than 20 years of experience in corporate communication and events international enviroment, acquired within PR agencies, big corporations or small companies and as a free lancer, I am now deeply interested in developing thoughtful events that enable people to grow and ideas to emerge.
Da Silva, Ricardo CEO IWANA BLEND MARKETINGDa Silva, Ricardo CEOStrategic thinking-oriented. Self-motivated, incurable entrepreneur. Highly reflective. Resilient. Creative. Moderate propensity for formal thinking. High experience in crisis management, large and interdisciplinary work teams and passion for transferring consolidated experience from the corporate world to new projects, capitalizing on experience as an entrepreneur in times of crisis.
Dalmau Fradera, Pau Chief Client Officer MORILLAS BRAND CONSULTANTSDalmau Fradera, Pau Chief Client OfficerPolitical Scientist as academic background, +12 years in Brand Consultancy (from Startup to one of the largest firms in Spain). Currently Chief Client Officer at Morillas, leading a team of 20. Based in Bcn (HQ) but coordinating team in MAD, VLC, GUA, MX, DomRep & Perú. Working in B2B&B2C, in a wide range of industries. Proudly Barcelonian, and proud to bring our city across the globe!
Dalmau Miranda, Albert Conseller de la Presidència GENERALITAT DE CATALUNYADalmau Miranda, Albert Conseller de la PresidènciaHe has developed his professional career in the field of institutional relations, government and representation of interests in the private sector where he has acquired knowledge especially in the economic and business environment of the city of Barcelona. From 2013 to 2016 he was linked as Project Manager in Barcelona Global. In Barcelona City Council he has been Chief of Cabinet of the President of the Socialist Municipal Group (2017 - 2019) and Chief of Cabinet of the Second Tenancy of Mayor, of Company, Culture and Innovation (2016- 2017). Degree in Political Science and Administration, International Relations profile by UPF, took part in the London and Global Cities, Governance, Planning and Design program (2014) - London School of Economics Executive Summer School (Program Directors: Ricky Burdett and Tony Travers).
Damiá, Elena Directora de BCN+B B LAB SPAINDamiá, Elena Directora de BCN+BPablo Sánchez is co-founder and director of B Lab Spain, which promotes the B Corp movement in Spain. This is leading a global movement of people using the power of business to make a positive impact. He has solid experience in the field of social impact assessment and corporate sustainability.
Damiá, Elena Directora de Barcelona+B B LAB SPAINDamiá, Elena Directora de Barcelona+BDirector of Barcelona+B. Professional with more than 20 years of experience in Institutional Relations, Communication and Marketing in different sectors (perfumes, writing, NGOs, culture, sustainability...). Graduated in Audiovisual Communication at UPF, Master in Marketing at ICADE and Coaching Training at CTI. More recently she has taken a Digital Marketing course at ESADE.
Daniel, Marko Director FUNDACIO JOAN MIRODaniel, Marko DirectorDirector of the Joan Miró Foundation since January 2018. Graduate in Art History and Philosophy, PhD in History and Theory and expert in contemporary Chinese and Catalan art. He has developed his teaching career between Southampton, Taiwan, London and Barcelona. In 2006, he joined the Tate Modern in London as curator of public programs, an area he directed between 2011 and 2017.
Dauden Ayora, Fernando Chief Underwriting Officer ZURICH INSURANCEDavys, Barry Partner Spectrum IFA Group