2nd Barcelona MBA Day
More than 600 students of IESE, ESADE and EADA met the 22nd of October the business, entrepreneurial, scientific and cultural Barcelona, at the hands of their top representatives, during the second edition of the Barcelona MBA Day.
Many thanks to the 68 companies, research centers and cultural centers that opened their doors to show the potential of Barcelona as a global city. And especially to the 25 volunteers, members of Barcelona Global, who volunteered to be a guide for the students and made it possible.
Companies that are part of the Barcelona MBA Day: Abertis, Accenture, AGBAR, Airbnb, Almirall, Amazon, Ana Mas, Banc Sabadell, BCN Tech City, BSC, CaixaBank, Casa Vicens, Catalana Occidente, Cellnex, Cercle Liceu, CETAQUA, Cidob, Circulo Ecuestre, Colonial, Cooltra, COTY, Cuatrecasas, Damm, Desigual, EPSON, Esteve, Everis Living Lab, Freixenet, Fundacio IrsiCaixa, Fundació Joan Miró, Fundació La Pedrera, Fundació Pascual Maragall, Galeria Marc Domenech, Galeria Prats, Galeria Senda, Glovo, Gran Teatre del Liceu, Grifols, Grupo Godó, Hospital Sant Joan de Deu, Hutchison Ports BEST, IBEC, ICFO, IEEC, IMO, IRB Barcelona, L'Auditori, La Caixa, La Roca Village, LaGranja, MACBA, Mango, MediaPro, MNAC, Museu Picasso, MWC, Nike, Palau de la Música, Penguin Random House, PRBB, Sala Parés, Sant Pau Recinte Modernista, Seat, Sincrotrón Alba, T-Systems, Telefónica, Utopicus, Vall d’Hebron