We launched the 2nd edition of Barcelona 2040
This Thursday, December 3, we started the second edition of Barcelona 2040, the leadership and city-driven program that we presented a few months ago and that wants to train and connect young talent so that they discover Barcelona from all its areas and develop proposals for the future.
This edition, Barcelona 2041, has 22 young people who will know the different sectors of Barcelona through 10 sessions and visits to companies and institutions and with conversations with main opinion-leaders in the business, science, gastronomy, culture, knowledge, sports, industry, journalism, and political spheres.
During the introductory session which took place at the Teatre Goya, Carmina Ganyet, Vice-President of Barcelona Global, Mateu Hernández, CEO of Barcelona Global; Anna Marquès, Corporate and Member Relations Director at Barcelona Global; and Xavier Verdaguer, Founder of Imagine Creativity Center presented to the participants the program, the challenges of Barcelona and the role of Barcelona Global. Oriol Valentí, Principal Associate at Cuatrecasas and participant of Barcelona 2040, shared his experience of the program.